Love Thy Enemy? US Plot to Evacuate Top Jihadis From Ramadi Uncovered

A US plot to evacuate Daesh leaders from the strategic city of Ramadi in central Iraq has reportedly been disclosed by a volunteer forces commander.
The disclosure comes as the Iraqi army and popular troops are attempting to secure victory over the jihadist group in Ramadi.
FARS quoted Imam Khamenei Battalion Commander Haidar al-Hosseini al-Ardavi as saying that “the delay in operations to liberate the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah in Anbar province has been the result of US interference.”

LIONEL PODCAST: Our Orchestrated and Systematic Disconnect From Reality

Facebook. One of the most fascinating additions to the human experience. Self-published self-aggrandizement and narcissism at the professional level. A demented worldview through an obscured window. Or something. But it seems to chronicle our demented perceptions. As does, in my ways and iterations, these podcasts and deliveries. Enjoy.

LIONEL PODCAST: Why We Fight Against the Obvious

In the name of Zeus, look it up! The information that is available before you now anent a host of subjects is incalculable. Yet, despite such, so many scratch their collective noggins and wonder why they know little or nothing about the obvious.
Lionel. One name. Like God. A cab driver once asked me what Lionel’s last name was. I responded, “One name. Like Elvis, Cher.” He responded, “Oh, yeah. Like God.” No disrespect intended.

LIONEL PODCAST: Xmas Mythology, Crypto-Pagan Worship, Media Nescience and News Puerility

Gone are the dreams of a sentient people. From the way we bow before dead trees refusing to acknowledge the ceremony’s pagan antecedents to how we’ve handed the keys of our news collection agencies to children, this once proud yet jejune people (a mere 239 years) now grovels in a detached cluelessness unrivaled in modern time. And with that I wish you a Merry Christmas.

US helped ISIL obtain hardware for propaganda: Analyst

Press TV – December 21, 2015 The Pentagon’s pledge to wage a cyber war against the Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri group is a cover for other US ploys as America itself was the group’s main supplier of computer hardware, says an American counter-terrorism analyst. The US Defense Department is weighing more aggressive cyber attacks against the […]

ISIS stole sarin gas from Libya stores & has already used it: Gaddafi cousin

RT | December 19, 2015 Islamic State militants have managed to steal chemical weapons from underground storage facilities in Libya that were not properly guarded and the gas has already been used, a cousin of the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi told RT Arabic in an exclusive interview. “ISIS has managed to find some of […]