IRAQ: The War Legacy and the ‘Staggering’ Suffering of Its Civilian Population…

The Burning Blogger Of Bedlam | January 22, 2016 ‘Staggering’ is how the UN has described the depth and nature of civilian suffering in post-war Iraq; citing over 18,000 civilians having been killed in the space of just this last year-and-a-half. According to the report, conducted by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq and […]

IRAQ: The War Legacy and the ‘Staggering’ Suffering of Its Civilian Population…

‘Staggering’ is how the UN has described the depth and nature of civilian suffering in post-war Iraq; citing over 18,000 civilians having been killed in the space of just this last year-and-a-half. According to the report, conducted by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, […]

ISIS commits massacre in village in Deir Ezzor, claiming the lives of 300 civilians

ISIS commits massacre in village in Deir Ezzor, claiming the lives of nearly 300 civilians

(SANA) ~ Daesh (the so called ISIS, ISIL) mercenary-terrorists committed a massacre in al-Bghailiye village (in Deir Ezzor’s western countryside), claiming the lives of around 300 civilians, most of them women, children, and elderly people, local sources said to SANA reporters.

LIONEL PODCAST: America Is Doomed Not Because of Its Leaders But Its Ignorant and Clueless Citizens

This country is going right to hell. And if there’s a party to blame it’s the electorate, the citizens. The disentangled and disengaged. Untethered and unbelievable. The clueless, vapid, insipid and various. More interested in bogus viral videos of rats pulling pizza slices down subway steps or the interminable stories about Powerball dreamers and incongruous ideations. Listen. You’re welcome.

Syria Airstrikes, the Oil/Gas Heist, Cameron’s Phantom Army & the Myth of the Moderate Fighters…

Weeks now after the ‘Syria Vote’ in UK parliament and the initiation of British bombing against ISIL targets in Syria, the talk has once again – inevitably and predictably – begun to turn back to the ‘Assad Must Go’ script. This was in spite of a brief interval following Russian intervention and the Paris attacks […]

Turkey blockades Syrian Kurdish areas surrounded by ISIS

RT – January 13, 2016 Turkey has established a strict blockade of the Kurdish regions in Syria surrounded by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), depriving Syrian Kurds of essential supplies and shooting people trying to enter Turkey from Syria, RT’s Murad Gazdiev reports. The Turkish border with the Kurdish territories in the northern Syria, which […]

Well-Armed, Well-Funded: Iraqi Leader Reveals Daesh’s Deep Pockets

Sputnik – 11.01.2016 Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi, the leader of Hezbollah al-Nujaba, a major Iraqi Shiite resistance movement fighting Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) in the region, has revealed that the jihadist group receives lavish amounts of money from Saudi Arabia and Qatar and modern weaponry from 120 countries around the world, according to the Iranian news agency FARS. […]