‘Problem with the Middle East is not enough Western intervention’ – William Hague

RT | April 26, 2016 The problems of the Middle East and North Africa are being compounded by a lack of “Western involvement,” former Tory Foreign Secretary William Hague has claimed in a surprise intervention. Hague, who headed the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) between May 2010 and July 2014, said without foreign guidance the […]

LIONEL PODCAST: How to Psychoanalyze Yourself in One Easy Lesson Through My Patented Thought Experiment Therapy

You’re nothing. Insignificant cosmically. And the sooner you understand this the healthier you’ll be. Psychically. Herein are subjects that you should review – humility, your role in the cosmic garbage disposal and how to self-analyze through talk therapy and thought experiments. It’s a rather simple concept and one I commend to you. Take heart. It’s all perspective. And, like incest, it’s all relative. You’re welcome.

LIONEL PODCAST: AutoMourn, America’s Ghoulish Funereal Media Dance and Kakistocracy

Remember that thing called the election? I mean the election. With our media’s ghoulish and juvenescent preoccupation with over-the-top funereal renditions of what is allegedly respectful remembrance and classy eulogia, all that matters is ignored. But I tried. And try. To redirect the attention span of our collective country.

Merkel agreement with Turkish President Erdogan ‘real treason’ – Marine Le Pen

RT | April 13, 2016 Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Front party, has called Angela Merkel’s talks with Turkey over the migrant deal “real treason,” saying Erdogan’s government shows “unacceptable leniency” towards Islamic State and “buys oil from terrorists.” Le Pen has described the recent deal with Turkey as “a serious democratic […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Genius of America Is Our Ability to Avoid Reality

The American public is distracted, detached and distanced from anything that we vaguely recognize as relevant. And who can blame us? It’s so much easier to talk of the pol who cuts a pizza slice with a knife and fork versus the patented pleated fold. Or seeing Madame Hillary fumble with a NY subway Metrocard to travel two stops in her sudden connection with the masses. We’re a country who knows nothing, feels nothing and appreciates nothing. That involves intellectual heavy lifting. And concern. Alas.