LIONEL PODCAST: The Most Thorough Analysis of the Orlando Massacre You’ll Ever Hear

That about sums up my feelings. I will not try and compete with your own disgust or claim that I’ve somehow tapped into a greater appreciation of the horror than you have. I’m not for pithy hashtags or filters. I don’t send thoughts and prayers out as I’ve never understood what that even mean. What I do is try and dissect the issues and apply a healthy dose of critical thinking to a horror that’s been coopted by every faction and ideological mob. the usual suspects.

LIONEL PODCAST: A Boorish and Logorrheic Trump vs. A Corrupt and Criminal Hillary

If you wanted a thoughtful and intelligent race, pick another one. This isn’t the one. This is about yelling and screaming and irrelevancies. Inapposite and inconsequential nonissues that mimic relevant considerations. Too much heavy lifting. Beyond our pay grade. Too deep and complicated. We’re done with it. We’re through. We like easy topics and stories and issues. Like Chewbacca Mom or the plight of elegant and majestic apes that we’ve penned and caged for our amusement that are gunned down while unattended kids enter prohibited regions. Pick northern election.

LIONEL PODCAST: Our Counterfeit, Manufactured, Imaginary and Synthetic American Propaganda Yarn Disguised as History

Tertius gaudens. Motive. Explication. The concept and doctrine (translated as rejoicing third in English) refers to a situation in which one party benefits from a conflict among two others. The term is often attributed to the German sociologist Georg Simmel and is provided by some enlightened historians as a motivation of sorts of the “provocation” of Pearl Harbor.

IRON MAN 3 & the BIN LADEN Myth: Plus More Evidence of Faked Videos…

In case you missed it, there was just another little tidbit – mostly ignored by the majority of the media – to further indicate (or even prove) that the Osama bin Laden ‘videos’ were being mostly faked right from the outset. The video speeches, which were so central a part of the American propaganda for […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Insanity of Queen Hillary – The Inanity of Herr Trump

Let’s look at this latest snafu from the Entitled One. #Hillary has made the same mistake that others have made anent #Trump’s bankruptcies. He never went bankrupt, his companies did. In Atlantic City! Caesars, The Atlantic Club, Showboat, Revel – even Atlantic City all went under. Just to name a few. She now must realize that because she brings these subjects up, Trump is forced to bring up #Whitewater, which was a monumental collapse with criminal implications. Does Mrs. Clinton have any idea what she’s doing and the can of worms she’s opening? But she’s nothing to fear.

Search for EgyptAir enters second day

EgyptAir resumed normal flights from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport on Friday [Xinhua] 
Naval units from Egypt, France, Greece and the US spent the second day in a massive operation in one of the deepest regions of the Mediterranean for debris from EgyptAir MS804 which is believed to have crashed before dawn on Thursday.
At press time, the Egyptian military said it is investigating sighted debris in the Mediterranean 290 kms north of the coastal city of Alexandria for evidence it belongs to the downed plane.

Counteracting ‘Daesh’: Lessons from Paris

As Baghdad reels from a wave of suicide bombings claimed by Islamist extremists which have killed and wounded over 400 in the past week, there are lessons to be learned from how the media deals with these terror attacks – whether they are in the Middle East or in the heart of Europe.
Semantics and social media narratives are crucial battlegrounds in the war against terrorism.