LIONEL PODCAST: Putrid and Corrupt Hillary Media Sellouts and Clueless Children Who Vote With Their Arse

This approximates the problem. It’s much worse. It fails to take into account the role that the media play in softening up our collective psyche. Our beloved republic is witnessing a disintegration of the Left. The necessary counterbalance. A viable vision of direction. We’re unable to appreciate neoliberalism and statist perversions camouflaging as platform. No clue as to class warfare. We’re prisoners of an autocratic oligarchy. But don’t hurt our feelings or abrade our think skin. The SJWs will find you and you’ll taste their wrath.

10 Facts the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About the War in Syria

(ANTIMEDIA) Corporate media regularly attempts to present Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria as solely responsible for the ongoing conflict in the region. The media does report on events that contradict this narrative — albeit sparingly — but taken together, these underreported details shine a new light on the conflict.
10: Bashar al-Assad has a higher approval rating than Barack Obama

LIONEL PODCAST: The Corrupt Shillary Media and the Hijacking of the 2016 Election

Devoid of message and vision. But plenty of feigned mirth and overreaction. Loaded with schmaltz and hype. Contrived merriment and infectious glee substituting for a determined plot and plan. The first woman, the progressive, her turn – whatever. But never a word about qualifications, record and platform. Though she does have “experience.” As Willie Sutton had banking experience, I suppose.

ISIS, Europe & the Fear-Porn Psy-Op: Reaching Critical Mass…

It won’t have escaped anyone’s attention that someone appears to have hit the ‘accelerate’ key on ‘terror attacks’ and professed ‘Islamist incidents’ in Europe. The last fortnight or so has seen a tangible ramping up of this campaign in France and Germany. Some of these will have been false-flag ops. Some of them were probably […]

LIONEL PODCAST: A Corrupt and Vile Candidate, DNC Leaks Focus Doom, Let’s Blame Russia, Debbie’s Sick Betrayal, Millennials Double Crossed by Bernie, Bankrupt Policies and Distracted Vision

It’s mind boggling the treachery and perfidy that’s now become a bloodsport. Behold the uncut version of “Debbie Does DNC” – well, was supposed to. Thrown under the bus, tossed aside and sacrificed. Yanked from her platform but repackaged as an HRC higher-up. Blatant and hiding in plain sight. Simply amazing. Media apparatchiks double down on pro-HDR defense and excuses. Memes and tropes, images and flashbacks. Keep the folks confused. Prestidigitation and political sleight of hand. Watch the jiggling keys, crying baby. Just watch Queen Hillary.