Hindutva Brigade Must Break Silence Over Espionage Allegation

The list of people associated with Hindutva outfits caught in damning revelations keeps growing. Recent revelations involving alleged espionage involving Prof Pradeep Kurulkar at the Defence Research and Development Organisation should have shaken up the establishment. After all, Kurulkar is said to have handled crucial projects related to India’s defence and reportedly was the lead … Continue reading Hindutva Brigade Must Break Silence Over Espionage Allegation →

Porkins Policy Radio episode 119 Treasure Trove: JFK and Osama Bin Laden documents with Chuck Ochelli

Chuck Ochelli joins me in the first hour to discuss all the recent news regarding the JFK assassination. Chuck tells us about JFK Lancer Conference, where he gave a presentation and received an award commending him for his work on JFK. We then move onto the recent release of files on the assassination. Chuck and I discuss some of the sensationalism surrounding them such as the Hitler in Colombia files. We also talk about the files that documents the US government’s idea to use Soviet planes in false flag attacks in Russia.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 102 South Asian Scandals and Trumps Foreign Policy

On this solo episode I discuss two major geopolitical situations and their possible impact in the region and on the US. I begin by breaking down the political crisis that is unfolding in Afghanistan with Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum and the allegations that he ordered the beating and rape of a political rival. I explain the back story of these allegations and how they have presented a serious political challenge for Afghan President Ghani these past several months.

ClandesTime 108 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: Ramzi Yousef - Spy Culture

Ramzi Yousef is an international man of mystery who is currently serving a 240-year sentence in a Supermax prison for bombing the World Trade Center. He is the first of two major figures we have not looked at yet in our exploration of the WTC93 bombing, the other is Ali Mohamed who we will get to in a few episodes time.

Porkins Great Game ep. 8 Proxy War in Transnistria

We start this month’s episode by looking at the recent escapades of our good friend Mikhail Saakashvili. We begin by looking at Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko’s appointment of Saakashvili as governor of Odessa. Christoph and I discuss how this corrupt war criminal will now be in charge of a politically and economically important region of Ukraine. We also touch on the tricky game that is being played with Saakashvili and his Georgian citizenship.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Preposterous Farrago of Myth, Propaganda and Fantasy of UBL’s Capture and Dispatch

A farrago of nonsense. Behold the American exceptionalism meme, front and center. A Jerry Bruckheimer Production, if I’ve ever seen one. (And he’s been consulted in the past, as you well know. remember the Jessica Lynch saga?) Well, when it comes to the official narrative of dispatching UBL, it appears there’s another turd in the proverbial narrative punchbowl.