Facebook teams up with US government to police ‘fake news’ in foreign elections

RT | September 24, 2018 Facebook has teamed up with two US government-funded think tanks as part of a new initiative to bolster the social media giant’s “election integrity efforts” around the globe. The new partnership with the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) was revealed by Facebook in a call […]

NED Pursues Regime Change by Playing the Long Game

By Edward Hunt | Lobe Log | July 3, 2018 During a recent congressional hearing, the heads of three influential non-profit organizations that operate in numerous countries around the world revealed the subtle ways in which the United States meddles in the internal affairs of other countries by playing what the officials called “the long game.” […]

Establishment alarmed as Trump threatens to gut US ‘democracy promotion’ racket

RT | March 7, 2018 The foreign policy establishment in Washington is crying foul after the Trump administration proposed to cut funding for organizations responsible for “promoting democracy abroad,” often in the guise of color revolutions. The 2019 State Department budget request cuts the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) budget and separates it from the […]