How Iran Fights the Coronavirus and the U.S.: Sanctioned, Alone, but Still More Efficient

The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic is taking a toll all over the globe, causing severe socioeconomic disruption, the stock market crash, millions of job losses, the postponement or cancellation of cultural and political events, and widespread fears of supply shortages resulting in panic purchasing. The coronavirus, which causes a respiratory disease known as COVID-19, is currently affecting more than 200 countries and territories. It has so far infected over 1.6 million people and killed around 100,000 others.

Trump boxed in on Iran, as Putin holds key to prevent war in Persian Gulf (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the rising tension between the United States and Iran, as the US has deployed an aircraft carrier group near the Iranian shores and sent B-52 bombers on patrol in the Persian Gulf.
A recent “Gulf of Tonkin” like sabotage that damaged four oil tankers off the coast of the UAE has been placed at the feet of “Iran or Iran-backed proxies,” courtesy of anonymous “US officials” as quoted by the fake news mainstream media.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 182 Call in show on Sudan uprising, 9/11 exploitation, Assange and more

This week I opened up the phone lines and did a call in show. We had friend of the show Jon Gold call in to discuss the recent attacks on Ilhan Omar and the continued exploitation of 9/11 trauma. Jon talked about the recent spate of politicians and media figures invoking 9/11 and the “Never Forget” mantra to score political points. Later Kai called in to talk about the political situation in Sudan. We discussed the recent coup which has removed long time leader Omar al- Bashir, and the grassroots protest movement that fomented this change.

Israeli Attack On “Iranian” Targets in Syria a Sign of Tel Aviv’s Frustration, Fear

GOLAN HEIGHTS, SYRIA — An hours-long exchange of fire between the Israeli military and alleged rocket-equipped Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) personnel seized the world’s attention early Thursday morning just after midnight, fanning fears that the Middle East is once again being plunged into a major new war pitting the settler-colonial state against its bitter rival, the Islamic Republic of Iran.