Iraq war

Fearing Sanders as ‘Closet Realist’

Exclusive: To Washington’s neocons like David Ignatius, Sen. Sanders should be disqualified as a presidential candidate for being a “closet realist.” Sanders seems not to accept their forced “regime change” in Syria, nor their plans for more “nation building” like the neocon handiwork in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry How little Official Washington’s neocon-dominated…

The Big Issue Is Big Money

The biggest falsehood of Hillary Clinton’s campaign is to call Bernie Sanders a “single-issue” candidate, since he has actually addressed many issues. But Michael Winship says there’s some truth in the charge because Sanders has identified Big Money as the root of many problems – and that is true. By Michael Winship Maybe it’s that 50,000-year-old,…

War And Peace and Bush/Cheney... And The 2016 Election

Sunday after the hate-filled GOP debate in South Carolina, establishment Republicans, led by neocon sad sack Bill Kristol were all over the Twitter Machine claiming that no "reasonable" or "responsible" Democrat had gone as far as Herr Trumpf in calling out Bush/Cheney for lying us into the catastrophic Iraq War. Well, that's totally false.

Hillary Clinton’s Hawkish Record

Surviving Iowa in a dead heat with Sen. Bernie Sanders, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now hopes her establishment-backed campaign will grind down her opposition and pave the way for her presidential nomination. But many Democrats remain leery of her hawkish foreign policy, writes Marjorie Cohn. By Marjorie Cohn Hillary Clinton likes to extol her foreign policy credentials, particularly…

A Crazy Establishment Demands ‘Sanity’

Exclusive: As support grows for anti-Establishment candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, a frantic Establishment is demanding that Americans “stay sane” and vote for one of its approved candidates. But is it sane to follow advice that has led to endless wars and a disappearing middle class, asks Robert Parry. By Robert Parry With ever-growing hysteria, the Establishment…