Iraq War support

Is Jeremy Corbyn the only British pol who "gets" the significance of the apparent war crimes of Tony Blair & Co.?

One of these war criminals-in-chief is the Brits' problem; the other's ours."[A]s I’m sure you’ve noticed, the people who fear actual left-wingers or people of principle the most aren’t Tories, they are Blairites."-- Ian Welsh, in "Blair et al. Committed War Crimes"by KenOf course we shouldn't be talking just about British pols.

Disgraced NYT media whore Judy Miller is back, and she's mad about being singled out for being wrong about Iraq

Feel free to watch if you like. I don't want to, and thanks to Erik Wemple's vigilance, I don't have to."If that consensus was wrong, I think you can’t blame either reporters for reporting what the consensus was or the intelligence analysts who got it wrong."-- former NYT dimwit Judith Miller, in her bookby KenThere's ample reason to feel general gratitude to's Erik Wemple for the watchful eye the Erik Wemple Blog keeps on the hamsters who turn the wheels in their cages to power the infotainment noozemedia. But there are times when I have to positively bless the man.