Iranian Protest

US Hypocrisy, From Cairo To Tehran

Last week protests broke out in the city of Isfahan, spreading to Iran’s remaining cities, including the capital, Tehran. The riots have given voice to calls for socio-economic change amid rising deprivation and unemployment among young people and a sense of injustice among poorer Iranians. These groups have suffered the brunt of inefficient economic management and the effects of the[Read More...]

Iran: Surviving Another Attack Supported From Abroad?

Protests in Iran are winding down, and the streets in most of the cities are becoming quiet again. But the question remains: who was behind the ‘events’ that took at least 22 human lives? The diplomatic and media storm is far from abiding with questions about the origin of the protests. What really took place in Iran at the very[Read More...]

Mass Protests Against Austerity And Social Inequality Shake Iranian Regime

Iran has been rocked for the past six days by protests against food-price rises, mass joblessness, ever-widening social inequality, and the Islamic Republic’s brutal austerity program and political repression. The protests began last Thursday in Iran’s second largest city, Mashhad, and the neighboring centers of Neyshabur and Kashmar, then spread to the capital Tehran and more than three-dozen other cities[Read More...]