
The End of U.S. Military Dominance: Unintended Consequences Forge a Multipolar World Order

Starting from the presidency of George W. Bush to that of Trump, the U.S. has made some missteps that not only reduce its influence in strategic regions of the world but also its ability to project power and thus impose its will on those unwilling to genuflect appropriately.
Some examples from the recent past will suffice to show how a series of strategic errors have only accelerated the U.S.’s hegemonic decline.
ABM + INF = Hypersonic Supremacy

The Many Matryoska Dolls to America’s Way of Imagining Iran

On the 17 September 1656, Oliver Cromwell, a Protestant Puritan, who had won a civil war, and had the English king beheaded in public, railed against England’s enemies. There was, he told Parliament that day, an axis of evil abroad in the world. And this axis – led by Catholic Spain – was, at root, the problem of a people that had placed themselves at the service of ‘evil’.

Trudeau toes imperial line on Iran

By Yves Engler · January 19, 2020 While the current Liberal government claims to be progressive and in favour of a rules-based international order, promotion of democracy and world peace, its actions regarding Iran demonstrate that the primary drivers of Canadian foreign policy remain US Empire geo-political interests and the rich and powerful. (This previous […]

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Paying the Price: The Killing of the Children of Iraq’ (2000)

Our weekly documentary film, curated by our team at 21WIRE.
This ground-breaking documentary by award-winning journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, investigates the effects of US-led international sanctions on the people of Iraq, depleted uranium contamination, and discovers that after ten years of extraordinary isolation imposed by the United Nations – and enforced by the US and Britain, have killed more people than the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Watch:

Why Iran Should Ditch the Hopeless Nuclear Deal

Not since the 1930s has European appeasement been seen to be so cowardly, so cynical and ultimately so recklessly leading to greater escalation and war.
In the 1930s, British and French appeasement of Nazi fascism led to World War II. Nearly a century later, the same unscrupulous fawning over American imperialism towards Iran is similarly creating the conditions that fuel lawlessness and aggression.

Is It an Act of War to Designate Iran’s IRGC as a Terrorist Organization?

The Israel Lobby’s Relationship to Trudeau, Trump and NATO By Prof. Anthony Hall | American Herald Tribune | January 19, 2020 The Israel Lobby in Canada is demanding that the government of Justin Trudeau follow the lead of Netanyahu and Trump, the notorious duo of anti-Iranian warmongers. Michael Mostyn, CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, has […]