
Canada’s Justin Trudeau Toes the Imperial Line on Iran

While the current Liberal government claims to be progressive and in favour of a rules-based international order, promotion of democracy and world peace, its actions regarding Iran demonstrate that the primary drivers of Canadian foreign policy remain US geo-political interests and the interests of the rich and powerful.
(This previous article argues this has long been the case.)

‘Targeted and governmental terrorism’: Iran slams US for threat against Soleimani successor

RT | January 23, 2020 Iran’s Foreign Ministry slammed the US’ policy of “targeted and governmental terrorism” after an American diplomat threatened Quds Force commander Esmail Ghaani with the same fate as his assassinated predecessor, Qassem Soleimani. “These words are an official announcement and a clear unveiling of America’s targeted and governmental terrorism,” ministry spokesman […]

Trump Envoy Issues Death Threat to Soleimani Successor, Head of Iran’s Quds Force

IMAGE: Trump’s Special Envoy for Iran, Brian Hook, back-to-back with hawkish Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Just when you thought Washington could not sink any lower in the international diplomacy game, the Trump White House compounds its previous misdeed by issuing a public death threat against the successor of assassinated Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani.

Tehran open to dialog with all neighbors: Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (Photo by AFP) Press TV – January 23, 2020 Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has reaffirmed Iran’s readiness for talks with all its neighbors amid tensions in the Persian Gulf region. “Iran remains open to dialogue with its neighbors, and we declare our readiness to participate in any complementary […]

Masked Gunmen Assassinate Iranian Commander in Front of His Own Home

(MEMO) — Earlier today, masked gunmen assassinated a local commander of the Basij paramilitary security forces in Iran’s southwestern Khuzestan province in front of his house. Abdolhosein Mojaddami was shot dead by two unknown persons who were riding a motorcycle according to the official IRNA news agency. Mojaddami, who headed the local Basij force in the town of Darkhoein, was said to […]

The United States: a Record-Holder in Political Assassinations

The crowing by Donald Trump that he “terminated” the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, Major General Qaseem Soleimani, simply because Trump believed, mobster-style, that he had it coming, should remind the world that the United States government stands as the world’s record-holder in either directly carrying out or coordinating with other parties the assassination of political leaders, American and foreign.

Iran Confirms Two Missiles Were Fired at Downed Ukrainian Airliner

(MEE) — Iran has confirmed that two surface-to-air missiles were fired at a Ukrainian airliner brought down outside of Tehran earlier this month, killing all 176 people on board. In a second preliminary report posted on its website late on Monday, Iran’s Civil Aviation Organisation confirmed investigators discovered that “two Tor-M1 missiles” had been fired at the aircraft. Its […]

The US and Iran’s Perpetual Almost-War Is Unsustainable – and Will End Badly

Today Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei gave his first Friday sermon in Tehran for eight years to an audience of thousands, as he tried to calm down the furious public reaction to the Revolutionary Guards mistakenly shooting down a Ukrainian plane carrying 176 passengers, then proceeding to lie about their responsibility for three days.