
The House Voted To Prevent Trump From Attacking Iran; Moscow Mitch Laughs

Yesterday, the House passed a bill written by Ro Khanna and one written by Barbara Lee that taken together would put the country on a much more peace-oriented path than the one the Trump regime has been leading the country down. Khanna's bill would block funding for a war that Trump starts against Iran. It passed 228 to 175. Only 3 Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with the Republicans, warmongers whose names you can probably guess: Ben McAdams (Blue Dog-UT), Conor Lamb (PA) and Kurt Schrader (Blue Dog-OR).

Wealthy Gulf States Plan to Spend Big to Coax Syria Away from Iran 

Since the dawn of the 2011 Syrian civil war, many aspects of the country’s political culture have been in flux. Yet a single doctrine has remained steadfast throughout that evolution: that Israel is Syria’s primary foe. Even the country’s constitution declares Syria the “beating heart of Arabism, the forefront of confrontation with the Zionist [Israel] enemy.” 

ISIS Sleeper Cell Attacks In Kirkuk, Twice in Just One Week.

 Kurdish media is reporting on these attacks. Considering the symbiosis between the Kurds and ISIS..... Surely it's just a matter of time before the best ISIS fighters in the whole world, the  Usrael Kurds, simply have to go "fight ISIS" enabling them to grab disputed Kirkuk- How convenient is that? Kurdistan 24