
Was the US "Wrong" About the Base Attack That Nearly Kicked Off A War With Iran? Or Was the US Simply Advancing the Remake?

Did the US simply get it all wrong?  The NYT’s asks the most preposterous question, in my opinion, regarding the attack on the K1 base in Iraq. Was the US “wrong”? Oh, no they weren’t. They were not wrong. Not mistaken. Nor were they misinformed. It was not a question of having the wrong intel or anything like that at all. They lied. It’s that simple. They lied. That’s how I see it! The US was looking for any excuse to further implant themselves in Iraq.  Entrench. To Expand. They wanted to kill Soleimani. And they were testing the waters with Iran.

Trump’s Brink of War with Iran Spun on a Lie

Iraqi military intelligence has found that almost certainly the rocket attack on a U.S. base in December which killed an American contractor was carried out by the Islamic State terror group – not an Iranian-backed Shia militia, contrary to what Washington has been claiming.
The rocket attack on the base in Kirkuk in northern Iraq on December 27 led to a spiral of violence which brought the U.S. to the brink of war with Iran last month. For a few days, the world held its breath in dread of a war which could have engulfed the entire Middle East and beyond.

Russia and Iran’s Clashing Visions for Syria’s Future

Rivals of the West in their own right, Iran and Russia today are major power players in the Syrian imbroglio. Their convergence of interests in helping eradicate extremist terrorist proxies utilized by an array of rival states against their mutual Syrian ally has allowed them both a significant degree of say in Syrian affairs and how that country’s future will pan out

Bin Ladenites Jerking Trump’s Chain

Just like when he fell for the Khan Sheikhoun and Douma chemical attack hoaxes in Syria in 2017 and 2018, President Trump let the bin Ladenites (by way of his Zionists) tell him what to think and who to bomb after the attack on the U.S. base in Iraq on December 27, 2019. This time it was “Iranian-backed Kataib Hezbollah.”
His revenge attacks on Iraqi Shi’ite militias and then Iranian General Qassem Soleimani could have started a real war.
But the Shi’ites didn’t do it.

Turkey Threatens Retaliation against Russia and Syria if they attack Al Qaeda in Syria’s Idlib Province

Eric Zuesse
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech on February 5th to his AKP islamist Party, that if Syrian troops or Russian planes attack Al Qaeda in Syria’s Idlib Province, then Turkey will be at war against Syria and Russia. If that happens, then Turkey, as a member of the NATO alliance, could call in U.S. and allied forces to join Turkey’s war against Syria and against Russia, in that part of Syria.
Here is one news report of this, from Syria’s Voltairenet: