
More Lies on Iran: The White House Just Can’t Help Itself as New Facts Emerge

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | February 13, 2020 Admittedly the news cycle in the United States seldom runs longer than twenty-four hours, but that should not serve as an excuse when a major story that contradicts what the Trump Administration has been claiming appears and suddenly dies. The public that actually follows […]

More Lies on Iran: The White House Just Can’t Help Itself as New Facts Emerge

Admittedly the news cycle in the United States seldom runs longer than twenty-four hours, but that should not serve as an excuse when a major story that contradicts what the Trump Administration has been claiming appears and suddenly dies. The public that actually follows the news might recall a little more than one month ago the United States assassinated a senior Iranian official named Qassem Soleimani.

No military aspect to Iran’s satellite carriers: Defense minister

Press TV – February 12, 2020 Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami says Iran’s satellite carriers have nothing to do with its military activities and lie completely outside the country’s defensive practices. “The satellite carriers have nothing to do with the subject of missiles, and constitute a completely non-defensive and non-military issue,” Hatami said following […]

Iran stresses right to enhance space technology, rejects France ‘meddlesome’ claims

Press TV – February 11, 2020 Iran has dismissed France’s “meddlesome” claim about its space program following a recent satellite launch, saying the Islamic Republic reserves the right to make scientific progress. Tehran on Sunday launched its domestically-made Zafar (Triumph) satellite using a Simorgh (Phoenix) satellite carrier, but the missile fell short of reaching the […]

Yet Another Israeli Provocation in the Middle Eastern Skies

By Vladimir Platov – New Eastern Outlook – 11.02.2020 While using a civilian airliner as cover, four Israeli F-16 fighters approached the outskirts of Damascus and launched an attack on local residential areas late night on February 6. There’s no disputing that by adopting such tactics the Israeli Air Force endangered the civilian aircraft – […]

Idlib's Fake News: Erdogan & Putin Set To Talk. Zone For Refugees Is Likely Outcome

 What is and has been occurring in the general locale of Idlib province Syria requires a near herculean effort to sort out.Below is fake news and a fake news headline:

"Turkish troops “neutralised” 101 Syrian soldiers, Ankara said, in retaliation for the regime killing at least five Turkish soldiers and wounding five more in an attack in Idlib province on Monday"

U.S. Lied About ‘Intelligence’ Which Blamed Iraqi PMUs for Attack on US Base, Leading to War with Iran

Back on December 27, 2019, the Trump Administration claimed it had ‘intelligence’ that the attack on its “K1” joint base in Iraq which killed a US contractor – was carried out by supposed “Iranian militias” (in reality, these would have been Iraqi PMUs) on the orders of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.