
Just As Trump's Great Corona Cover-Up Kicks Into High Gear, It Appears To Be Backfiring On Him

On Thursday, Politico interviewed Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and she set the Trump Regime on fire for their incompetent, dysfunctional and bungled response to the pandemic. Their over-all grade wasn't an "F"-- presumably because Trump hasn't fired Fauci yet-- but a D minus.

Most Professional Political Prognasticators Said The Senate Was Out Of Reach For The Democrats But They're BeginningTo Admit They Were Wrong

2020 will be another big anti-red wave. The media isn't talking about it yet-- they're a lagging indicator-- but they will, and when they do, they will demonstrate how clueless they are by dubbing it a "blue wave," which it certainly won't be.The video above was made by The Lincoln Project, a cabal of #NeverTrump Republicans-- George Conway, Jennifer Horn, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Mike Madrid, etc. In their mission statement they wrote that their goal is defeating Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box. "We do not undertake this task lightly nor from ideological preference.

Reminder: Electing J.D. Scholten Will Make Congress-- Not To Mention Iowa-- A Much More Productive Body

J.D. is running to represent a huge, mostly rural Iowa congressional district currently held by the most bigoted and far right Republican in the House, Steve King. But J.D.'s campaign isn't just about a referendum on King. He's far more concerned about offering voters a positive platform they can relate to.

Is Today The Day Bernie Seals The Deal With America-- Will The Real Remedy To Trumpism Win Big Enough In New Hampshire To Power Him Into Nevada?

I guess the Iowa counting is done now. Here's how the establishment cheated Bernie. In the first round, he received 43,699 votes (24.7%) to Mayo Pete's 37,596 votes (21.3%). In the second round Bernie received 45,842 votes (26.5%) to Mayo's 43,274 votes (25.1%). As you know 43,699 and 24.7% are more than 37,596 and 21.3% and 45,842 and 26.5% are more than 43,274 25.1%.

Will Medicare-for-All Be An Electoral Winner?

This morning, Business Insider reported that "Nearly half of all US health spending is tied to admin management and the cost burdens associated with private insurance are being passed along to US consumers, making treatment an unmanageable expense. Patients are coughing up large portions of their budget on health, with the average non-elderly US family spending $8,200 per year on healthcare — or 11% of their income." That's $817 billion a year completely and utterly wasted-- $

BERNIE vs BUTTIGIEG: Iowa Caucus Disaster Reveals Democrats’ Elite Digital Mafia

The Democrats really had a rough week. Trump’s impeachment acquittal rocked Capitol Hill, but the real blow to the Democratic Establishment came during the Iowa Caucuses primary contest – which quickly descended into electoral chaos after the party’s dodgy digital election App failed to record votes – part of a series of incidents which allowed centrist Pete Buttigieg to come from behind to challenge front-runner Bernie Sanders.

On Class Consciousness and the 2020 Presidential Election

After several weeks of intensive reading and discussion on class, capitalism and socialism in my undergraduate course, The Politics of Labor, we would do following exercise: Standing before the blackboard (google it) I encouraged the students to list existing, objective and determining conditions that might prompt the American working class to seek the abolition of capitalism.

Biden Campaign Proves That Endorsements From The Wrong Sources Can Hurt A Campaign-- Meet Abby Finkenauer (IA-02)

Worthless careerists, Abby and Joe, have nothing to offer votersDid conservative Democrat Abby Finkenauer's endorsement of Biden ruin his Iowa campaign? Iowa's first district used to be very blue. Obama beat McCain there, 58.5% to 40.4%, Obama's biggest win in the state.