Investigative Reports

From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming “Cyber Pandemic”

Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy. The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a typical planning exercise and bears similarities to the WEF-sponsored pandemic simulation Event 201 that briefly preceded the COVID-19 crisis.

Another Mega Group Spy Scandal? Samanage, Sabotage, And The SolarWinds Hack

The devastating hack on SolarWinds was quickly pinned on Russia by US intelligence. A more likely culprit, Samanage, a company whose software was integrated into SolarWinds’ software just as the “back door” was inserted, is deeply tied to Israeli intelligence and intelligence-linked families such as the Maxwells.
Post for Another Mega Group Spy Scandal? Samanage, Sabotage, And The SolarWinds Hack.

Silicon Valley and WEF-Backed Foundation Announce Global Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccine Records

Silicon Valley’s most influential companies, alongside healthcare companies, US intelligence contractors and the Commons Project Foundation, recently launched the Vaccination Credential Initiative. The initiative’s ambitions reach far beyond vaccines and will have major implications for civil liberties.

Jack Dorsey, the CIA and Twitter Censorship in the Age of Covid-19

Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, has embedded himself in some of the most powerful global influencer complexes. His techno-mining of African potential and the increasing use of Twitter as a surveillance tool for the corporatocracy have generated the opportunity for Dorsey to play an increasingly pivotal role in the roll-out of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
Episode page for Jack Dorsey, the CIA and Twitter Censorship in the Age of Covid-19.

The Covid-19 Celebrity Humanitarianism – Sean Penn and the Great Reset

Actor Sean Penn's "charitable" NGO, with close ties to USAID and the Clintons, has pivoted its focus from "disaster relief" abroad to now playing a key role in US COVID-19 testing and the promotion of the transnational corporatocracy's Covid-19 narratives.
Episode page for The Covid-19 Celebrity Humanitarianism – Sean Penn and the Great Reset.

Suspect AI Software Verified Mail-In Ballots With Little Human Oversight in Key Battleground States

Untested AI software was used to verify mail-in ballot signatures in highly contested localities like Clark County, Nevada. The company that produces it has close ties to Lockheed Martin and Microsoft and its founder has a bone to pick with Donald Trump.
Episode page for Suspect AI Software Verified Mail-In Ballots With Little Human Oversight in Key Battleground States.