
Enslaved by Nonprofits: How NGOs Colonize Developing Countries

What's happening in Sarajevo provides a uniquely palpable demonstration of the enfeebling impact and influence of Western NGOs abroad, which offers obvious and grave lessons for developing countries everywhere, Kit Klarenberg reports.
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Just Like 9/11? Suspicious Israeli Stock Market Activity Hints at Foreknowledge of October 7 Attack

Hearkening back to the days preceding the 9/11 attacks, suspicious stock market activity suggests that someone with prior knowledge of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood sought to capitalize on the events on October 7.
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Visegrád 24: The Polish Government-Funded Fake News Factory Driving The Online Israel-Palestine News Cycle

Visegrád 24 and its ultra-viral content have dominated social media platforms since Israel's war on Gaza began, but who is behind the pro-Israel account helping to shape the narrative on the year's most controversial topic? MintPress News investigates.
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ADL Data on Rise of Anti-Semitic Incidents Doesn’t Add Up

A new report from the ADL claims that anti-Semitic incidents across the US have skyrocketed by more than 400%. But as Alan Macleod reveals, the numbers do not add up unless one equates opposition to Israel's bombardment of Gaza with hatred of Jews.
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YouTube’s Connections to Pro-Israel Lobby Behind Removal of Lowkey’s Infamous Song: ‘Terrorist’

"It seems Israel's latest war on Gaza has been seen as an opportunity to clean up political content on the internet and reassert informational dominance. Ultimately, it will not work. As book burners of the past found, when you suppress an idea, you discredit your own arguments against it." -- Lowkey