
The conclusion of Russiagate, Part II – news fatigue across America

Presently there is a media blitz on across the American news media networks. As was the case with the Russiagate investigation while it was ongoing, the conclusions have merely given rise to a rather unpleasant afterbirth in some ways as all the parties involve pivot their narratives. The conclusion of Russiagate appears to be heavily covered, yet if statistics here at The Duran are any indication, there is a good possibility that the public is absolutely fatigued over this situation.
And, perhaps, folks, that is by design.

The conclusion of Russiagate, Part I – cold, hard reality

The conclusion of the Russiagate investigation, led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was a pivotal media watershed moment. Even at the time of this writing there is a great deal of what might be called “journalistic froth” as opinion makers and analysts jostle to make their takes on this known to the world. Passions are running very high in both the Democrat / anti-Trump camps, where the reactions range from despondency to determined rage to not swallow the gigantic red pill that the “no collusion with Russia” determination offers.

Leak on the ISS becomes a matter of controversy

On August 30, the inhabitants onboard the International Space Station (ISS) were alerted to falling atmospheric pressure. The leak was very slow, and it was easily fixed by placing some Kapton adhesive tape over the place where the hole was, and then filling the hole with epoxy sealant. No one was in danger from this leak.
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Here’s the REAL purpose and mission of the Deep State

The media narrative on the pro-Trump side of things is that the RussiaGate investigation is on its last legs and that it is falling apart. The anti-Trump side of this matter says quite the opposite, and keeps promising that the damning evidence is ‘just around the corner’ and that the media sources involved are committed to ‘bringing the truth to the American people’, and so on.

Democrat-pushed Mueller SPECTACLE continues to oppress the United States

The Democrats are incredulous, one might suppose. They cannot seem to get over the fact that President Trump is simply not like they are.
After all, their party rigged their own primary in 2016 to make sure that Hillary Rodham Clinton was to be the nominee. The Party threw their very popular candidate, Bernie Sanders, completely under the bus. Of course, he also opted to join them, despite his own campaign rhetoric being in stark contradiction with much of what Hillary’s campaign was about.

Tucker Carlson accused of pushing ‘Russian propaganda’ [VIDEO]

In previous pieces examining Tucker Carlson’s very honest analysis, we also saw how at times it gets blown to shreds by his own defensive behavior when questioned. Since the modus operandi of the American mainstream press (of which Fox News a part) is a sensationalized yelling match instead of a legitimate and civilized debate, it is often difficult to separate the rhetoric from the reality.