
Total System Leverage Now Record High Creating SUPER Bubble That CAN’T Be Reversed!

source Today, we are encountering an unimaginable state. All previous attempts to fix the financial system have been very straightforward: Lower interest rates and print money. The government [would] simply fill in gaps wherever they could and eventually the recovery would be back to normal. Since the Financial Crisis, clearly that didn’t happen. In fact […]

Temp Layoffs Have Become PERMANENT! Middle Class Will Disappear as Economy Falls

source The stock market moves fast. With countless interventions taking place over the years, any period of slow growth or falling levels has always been met with more stimulus. This can come from the Fed and their many programs or from the government’s big taxpayer funded bottomless pockets. Either way, it creates ridiculous distortions that […]

Fed Just Admitted They CAN’T STOP QE Ever! $16 Trillion Negative Bonds Globally!

source The intervention by the Federal Reserve and other central banks has been at a historic level. They told us that their actions were temporary. In 2008 and onward, congress grilled the Fed, and made it seem as though their actions would be challenged. Today, after never normalizing anything, politicians, bankers, analysts, and the retail […]

Tale of Two Americas Now A Global Story. Unprecedented Recession or Fantastic Bull Market?


Massive economic disparity today as certain businesses flourish and others fail. Certain businesses that were producing billions in revenue every year are now completely bankrupt. We are witnessing a scale of unlimited potential for failure. This presents future issues as well because the impact is truly unknown. The response from government? Stimulus checks and more Fed money printing. Excellent, that should work out nicely.


Fed Prepares MASSIVE QE Expanding Balance Sheet To $10 Trillion! U.S. Dollar Doomed?


We haven’t seen this much debt amassed in such a short period of time. With governments relying so heavily on low interest rates to be able to pay back their overlord central bankers, where does this leave the future of all currencies versus their relationship to real goods? Not a very pretty picture it would seem.


The Dominos Are Falling and It Begins With THIS. Financial Crisis Part 2 is On


The global economy relies on spending. More and more spending. If people aren’t buying iPhones, they don’t need as many parts. If they don’t need the parts, they don’t need the raw materials. Everything is connected. It goes for any industry. One industry that is joined at the hip is the financial and housing industries. We learned in 2008 what it was all about but unfortunately haven’t learned our lessons whatsoever.