Invasion of the Body Snatchers

They Live, Predator, Star Trek, Signs, Under the Skin & More! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

 We continue alien January by deconstructing more of the most popular alien/ufo films, reaching back to the 80s with Arnold and Jessie in Predator and John Carpenter’s They Live, Lesser known occult alien films like Life-force, Shyamalan’s Signs, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers from the 70s . Signs, interestingly, has a Christian influenced […]

Storm Area 51 MEMES & MOVIES! Jay Dyer

In this video I cover the fact that probably most rationally certainly we were seeded here by alien overlords. I then look at the best Area 51 memes and the problems of methane from cows according to Gary Busey, and then move to cover 5 alien UFO films from different decades. The Day the the Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Arrival with Chuck Sheen, Indedendence Day, Paul and Childhood’s End a bit. Mind = blowed.