
Syrie : SitRep 81 avec Ayssar Midani (15 mai 2020)

Voici le 81ème SitRep d’Ayssar Midani sur la Syrie. Au programme :
  – la journée internationale d’Al Qods
  – l’anniversaire de la Nakba
  – l’anniversaire de la libération du Sud Liban
  – la visite de Pompeo en Israël
  – la formation d’un gouvernement d’union entre Netanyahu et Gantz
  – situation au nord-ouest (Idlib)

COVID-19 Pandemic: Time for Bold programs from the Left to Help the People

Fred Magdoff, Professor Emeritus of plant and soil science at the University of Vermont and author of many articles and books on ecology, agriculture and economy, frequent Monthly Review contributor and closely associated with struggles of the working people, discusses the coronavirus pandemic in light of capitalism and agriculture in the following interview conducted on April 2, 2020.

Debating God, Relativism & Perspective Philosophy! Apologetics Class 3

Discord’s home for politics. The official politics discord for debate, history, philosophy, polls, & live events. One of the most active politics discord communities! The large politics discord hosted another AMA with myself and Fr Dcn. which led to a couple debates.  Here, we include two recent AMAs that developed into debates in various forms and fashions.  We discuss St. Maximos and the Logoi, relativism, TAG and more! In the other, a different type of chat / AMA with a gnostic-minded host and his politics server.

Do Masks and Respirators Prevent Viral Respiratory Illnesses?

A health professional told me back in March that face masks were ineffective but that respirators (the N95) were. Because of the source, I thought there must be validity to this. However, it seemed counterintuitive. I reasoned that there would be differentials between using any type of mask versus no mask because no mask usage would allow aerosols to penetrate unabated, whereas a mask should capture much of the aerosol and reduce risk of spread to others and presumably should also function to mitigate breathing in viral-laden droplets.

Syrie : SitRep 80 avec Ayssar Midani (26 avril 2020)

Voici le 80ème “SitRep” d’Ayssar Midani sur la Syrie, intitulé « À l’ombre du coronavirus ». Au programme :
  – les conditions de détention des palestiniens dans les prisons israéliennes
  – absence de mesures de prévention dans les territoires occupés
  – offensive pour faire fuir les habitants de Cisjordanie
  – renforts turques à Idlib
  – renforts américains