
Blitz and Destroy and Move on – Leaving Chaos and Refugees

In September, when the US was intent on confronting Iran and if possible mounting military operations against it, there was curious lack of support from many countries which in the past had been willing to leap on the bombing bandwagon to join in attacking whatever unfortunate nation had upset the military-industrial complex in Washington.

James Mattis: America Remains Committed To Global Intervention

Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford greets Defense Secretary James Mattis at the Pentagon (AP/Alex Brandon)
Speaking over the weekend at a conference in Singapore, Defense Secretary James Mattis urged the world to “bear with” the US as they adjust to the election of a new president, insisting that the US remains committed to engaging in global intervention and that it is “very deeply rooted in the American psyche.”

Why Is War Such an Alluring Illusion?

Today the US appears to stand on the brink of launching yet another major war, ostensibly out of moral outrage at what is happening in Syria, and allegedly for the sake of human rights, conducted with a completely unjustified sense of certainty that war will produce a better result than diplomacy, trade, and caution. What did we learn from the Great War if not that this is folly?

Despite Campaign Promises, Trump Set To Outdo Obama On Military Adventurism

Donald Trump tours the nuclear aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford, at Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Va., Thursday, March 2, 2017. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
WASHINGTON — For some, Donald Trump’s campaign trail claim that he had always been against the Iraq war – a claim that he would also use as a jibe aimed at Hillary Clinton – seemed to signal that he would refrain from sending the United States spiraling into another armed conflict.

Iraq Collapse Shows Bankruptcy of Interventionism

May was Iraq’s deadliest month in nearly five years, with more than 1,000 dead — both civilians and security personnel — in a rash of bombings, shootings, and other violence. As we read each day of new horrors in Iraq, it becomes more obvious that the U.S. invasion delivered none of the promised peace or [...]