Internet Freedom

“Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings”

This is not a post about “ Stairway to Heaven”- That doesn't mean we can't listen to the song before we jump into this topic. An 8 minute musical intro. Or listen as you read, whatever!Brief digression: I absolutely hated this song in my younger years- It was so overplayed, I cringed when it came on the radio!So your either listening to this or have listened and are reading attentively?

Plan to Kill the Internet Uncovered: Web being Taken-Over by the same People that Ruined the Real World

The Internet could end up being the saving factor or enslaving entity of mankind The Internet has become a beacon of truth, exposing evil and corruption, it has toppled unjust government regimes, given a voice to millions of otherwise powerless individuals, united the masses like nothing…Read more →

Edward Snowden: Here’s how we take back the Internet

Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden speaks at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but requires a fundamental rethink of the role of the internet in our lives — and the laws that protect it. “Your rights matter,” he say, “because you never know when you’re going to need them.” Chris Anderson interviews, with special guest Tim Berners-Lee.

De-Manufacturing Consent- “Mainstream Isn’t ‘Moderate Truth,’ It’s the Corruption of Truth!”

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Ben Swann
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by the host of Full Disclosure and the founder of Truth in Media, Mr. Ben Swann. Guillermo and Ben discuss a variety of issues, including the recently launched “Just Us” campaign, designed to raise awareness of jury nullification. We also discuss nullification and the drug war, the militarization of federally subsidized local police departments, the Boston Marathon Bombing and the case of Ibragim Todashev, internet freedom, net neutrality, and so much more.