International politics

Mosaic Nature of Chinese-European Relations

Relations between People’s Republic of China and Europe resemble a complex mosaic, mainly due to significant presence of the sum of factors defined by the elastic term “politics.” The first of such important factors is the continuing prevailing influence of the United States on everything happening on the continent. All that despite the obvious shift […]
Сообщение Mosaic Nature of Chinese-European Relations появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Erdoğan is pursuing an active policy

Within the days after the inauguration Turkish President is demonstrating a good and active political shape. Considering the complicated domestic and international agenda Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is forced to undertake intense activities and launch new initiatives which, if implemented, may bring about positive changes in Turkey and beyond. On the domestic front, naturally the main […]

The Flawed Math of the Elites and Joe Biden – Shiny Metal Futures

How straightforward is simple math? If the public relied more on adding things up, the manufactured consent perpetrated by the elites in the West would be impossible. Take the recent Russian gold movements as a perfect example. Various propaganda channels reported last year that the European Union and G7 wanted to ban Russia’s gold shipments […]

Unequal confrontation between Vilnius and Beijing

At the end of April in Lithuania, one of the “major” NATO countries, the local Foreign Ministry initiated a conference on “NATO and the Indo-Pacific Region,” where Vilnius tried to contribute to the unfolding confrontation with China in accordance with the trends set by the United States. It is noteworthy that the Baltic state stood […]
Сообщение Unequal confrontation between Vilnius and Beijing появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

The end of the unipolar world

The global world order is on the verge of a radical transformation. The Western powers 30 years ago saw in the collapse of the Soviet Union, which resulted from its internal weaknesses and mistakes, an unprecedented opportunity to dominate the world by way of deterring possible competitors by any means. Perhaps one of the most […]
Сообщение The end of the unipolar world появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

On the Real Importance of New Sino-Russian Economic Pacts

In March 2023, when China’s President Xi visited Moscow, he told his Russian counterpart that the scope of the changes taking place in today’s world is such that has not been “seen for 100 years.” The pace and the scope of these changes – which we can understand in terms of a visible shift towards […]
Сообщение On the Real Importance of New Sino-Russian Economic Pacts появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Singapore hosted another Shangri-La Dialogue

On June 2-4, Singapore hosted another (already the 20th in a row) Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD), which is held annually by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. Judging by the composition of participants and the range of issues discussed, this is one of the most reputable international expert platforms, which examines various aspects of security […]

The Gwangju Uprising – and how South Korea’s dealt with this issue during the Moon Jae-in and Yoon Suk-yeol administrations

In a previous article, discussing the way the South Korean government marked the anniversary of the Jeju uprising, this author noted that the authorities’ approach to commemorating the anniversary of another significant event, the Gwangju Uprising, will form an important marker in political history. That anniversary fell in May 2023. On May 18, 1980 the […]

The Collective West is more united than ever against China

The US and the EU have now developed the closest for the past three decades positions on the PRC, according to the US Department of State. On Tuesday, May 30, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was visiting Sweden, made a very ambiguous statement regarding China. At a joint press conference with Swedish Prime […]
Сообщение The Collective West is more united than ever against China появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

A formal visit: What is the Pope seeking in Mongolia?

Recently it became known that the Pope will pay an official visit to Mongolia this year. The statement following the meeting of the Secretary of the Holy See for Foreign Affairs with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia even mentioned the exact date of the visit – from August 31 to September 4, which […]
Сообщение A formal visit: What is the Pope seeking in Mongolia? появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.