International politics

The Astana platform on Syria ended…

Syria is one of the most pressing concerns on the global diplomacy agenda, with Russia combining a successful peacekeeping role with focused diplomacy. Since the fall of 2015, it has been evident that the United States, its NATO allies, and the armed opposition organizations they were backing have failed to fulfill their primary goal of […]
Сообщение The Astana platform on Syria ended… появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Chinese, Russian – come and visit us: Meeting of representatives of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Russia, Mongolia and China

In 2022, Russian business faced a number of challenges in many corners of the globe. Many foreign companies have refused to cooperate with Russian entrepreneurs for political reasons, or for fear of falling under the sanctions of Western countries. However, certain nations throughout the world have welcomed Russian investments even more recently than they did […]

US policy in the Middle East has not met Israel’s expectations

For a “new” model for the peace process, Israel will have to turn to China. In 2020, it seemed that Israel, with US support, was able to take a step towards the Arabs after the signing of the Abraham Accords with the UAE and Bahrain. Despite this, the changing geopolitical landscape and the emergence of […]
Сообщение US policy in the Middle East has not met Israel’s expectations появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

New complications in relations between South Korea and China

Recently, while outlining the deterioration in relations between Beijing and Seoul, the present author commented on a new scandal that further inflamed tensions. It has to do with highly critical comments made by Xing Haiming, China’s ambassador to Seoul, concerning South Korea’s foreign policy. The problems began on June 8, 2023, when South Korean opposition […]

A stronger Turkey would not be in Russia’s best interests, right?

Russian-Turkish relations have been on an upswing, some would say unparalleled, since the early 2000s. The latter occurred or may be associated with the change of power in Russia and Turkey, as well as the arrival of two charismatic leaders, Putin and Erdoğan, respectively, and, more importantly, with certain transformations in geo-economic and geopolitical processes […]

Moscow-Algeria: on the way to deepening a partnership

“Moscow-Algeria: closer than ever before,” “Algerian-Russian Axis: New Prospects for Cooperation,” “Summit of Friends.” These and similar headlines in Algerian media reflect the reaction to President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s recent state visit to Russia. During the visit, the Russian Federation and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria signed an in-depth strategic partnership declaration, as well as […]

Global Arrogance of Power by the USA and its “Obeying Minions”

We must think of the nice German expression “Vorauseilender Gehorsam,” – anticipatory obedience to understand much of what is going on nowadays. Meanwhile, the Titan submersible has taken over the media, a GREAT distraction, and most timely, considering the ongoing perils of Biden and his son, plea deals, the “proxy war” in the Ukraine, lame […]

Turkey is placed in an “economic vice” by the West

Western pressure on the Republic of Turkey increased as a result of Erdoğan’s election victory Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won this challenging victory despite the fact that the whole Western world had projected his defeat in the presidential elections of May 2023. After his inauguration on June 3, the Turkish politician began a new term. In […]
Сообщение Turkey is placed in an “economic vice” by the West появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Turkey and Iran part ways…

Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has begun his first trip abroad after his latest inauguration – a visit to the internationally unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). After that trip he will visit Azerbaijan. It could hardly be said that Ankara has opened a completely new, and hitherto unsuspected page in the agenda of […]
Сообщение Turkey and Iran part ways… появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Prigozhin: Washington’s “Manchurian Candidate” Inside the Halls of Russian Power

Who has the inside track on why the head of Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, went turncoat the other day? Prigozhin, whose mouth has gotten more significant with each small victory of his skilled fighters, betrayed his fellow citizens, his president, and hundreds of thousands of Russian military personnel, laying it on the line in Ukraine. […]