International politics

India’s Modi Meets Biden – U.S. Screw Turners Squirm Some More

The United States leadership is squirming to resolidify ties with parts of the world that either bombed, invaded, or marginalized in recent decades. The prime example of marginalization is India. However, without the current gigantic trade surpluses boosting Indian confidence in America, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have to do much less tightrope-walking between Washington […]

Does India Need an Anti-Chinese Alliance with the U.S.

One of the main current trends in U.S. foreign policy is to force its partners, including India, by hook or by crook, to join the U.S. initiative to form a unified coalition to contain China’s growing power. But does New Delhi need to sign on to such alliances? Not long ago, Indian Prime Minister Narendra […]
Сообщение Does India Need an Anti-Chinese Alliance with the U.S. появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Blinken Meets ASEAN: Turning Southeast Asia Against China

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s meeting with ASEAN in mid-July, focused on convincing the bloc to confront Beijing, follows a long-running US strategy to transform Southeast Asia into a united front against China. By doing so, nations in the region are encouraged or coerced to antagonize China, despite the growing superpower being their largest […]

What is behind the current tension in Turkish-Iranian relations?

Turkey and Iran continue to be important Middle Eastern nations. Due to their geographical proximity, imperial past, violent rivalry, theological tensions (between Sunnism and Shiism), and, of course, the continuous divergence of geopolitical interests, both nations have a rich history of relations. There were multiple Turkish-Persian clashes and wars, with various interruptions and varying degrees […]

Saudi Arabia: Policies Appropriate for the 21st Century

Saudi Arabia has recently gained popularity with many countries wanting to improve their political and financial status, ranging from Tehran and Washington to London, Paris, and Tel Aviv. And they are all inspired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud’s incredibly effective policy, which is gaining fame and recognition by the day. His policy […]

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, “Servant of the People” STANDS up 4-Enemy of the People—Mikheil Saakashvili

Reading the latest news by UN, NED (is banned in Russia) funded Georgian media sites, and the international news, or MSM, about the current medical status of Saakashvili, not to mention his political predicament, is comparable to a Red Cross report describing the harsh and brutal conditions in Nazi Concentration Camps. However, those in Georgia, […]

Israel, After All, Fears Iran…

Israeli experts, including former Israeli Ambassador to Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova Zvi Magen, point out once more that Tel Aviv and Moscow share a mutual understanding regarding the inadmissible Israeli arms transfers to the Kiev regime to use against the Russian Armed Forces in the future. It is well known that the Ukrainian authorities, through […]
Сообщение Israel, After All, Fears Iran… появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Aleksandar Vučić was “offended” by Erdoğan?

Turkey before and during the time of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has tried to conduct active diplomacy in virtually all aspects of its geography, where the Balkans retain a high relevance. This direction of Turkish foreign policy is determined by several factors: geographical proximity; the history of Ottoman rule; the course of European integration; NATO membership; […]

Turkey vs NATO: It isn’t just Tit for Tat

Most western political analysts believed that Erdoğan’s opposition to Sweden’s NATO membership was only a ploy to garner political and electoral support at home to ensure his victory in the May 2023 presidential elections. However, even after winning the elections, the Erdoğan administration’s position on Sweden’s membership has not changed. The latest incident of the […]

The Middle East is once again in turmoil

On the eve of military exercises simulating war with Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brazenly and bluntly said: “I have a clear message for Iran and the international community: Israel will do everything it has to do to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb.” Apparently, Tel Aviv thinks that it has completely replaced […]
Сообщение The Middle East is once again in turmoil появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.