International Olympic Committee

Russian athletes exonerated but ignored in the West

By Rick Sterling | RT | May, 2018 A major revelation in the CAS decision is that Richard McLaren, whose reports have formed the basis for banning Russians from the last two Olympics, has qualitatively changed his claim against Russian athletes. Last year, the Disciplinary Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC DC) issued rulings […]

The Russian Doping Scandal and how the IOC betrayed the Olympic Movement

Twelve days ago, shortly after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (‘CAS’) cleared 28 Russian athletes of the doping allegations which had been made against them, I expressed the hope that sanity would prevail and that the International Olympic Committee would reconsider its decision to exclude some of these athletes from the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang.

Russia’s Olympians win case against International Olympic Committee

Two months ago, when the International Olympic Committee decided to suspend the Russian Olympic Committee and to ban Russian athletes from competing in the coming Winter Olympics in PyeongChang in South Korea under their own flag – allowing only a selected few Russian athletes to compete under the Olympic flag and by invitation only – I expressed in an article for RussiaFeed my own total incomprehension at this decision.

International Olympic Committee skewers McLaren Russian doping report, points finger instead at ‘whistleblower’

As my colleague Sergey Gladysh has reported, the International Olympic Committee (“the IOC”) has circulated a letter which has quietly skewered Professor McLaren’s report on the doping scandal in Russian sport, and in which it confirms WADA’s admission that the McLaren report does not provide sufficient evidence in