Silencing Dissent Via the Courts (No Climate Free Speech, Part 4)
A British academic wants an international court to declare climate skeptics wrong, once and for all.
A British academic wants an international court to declare climate skeptics wrong, once and for all.
20 American academics think unorthodox climate views should be subjected to an organized crime investigation.
Climate activists have redefined the venerable concept of free speech. According to them, it means the polar opposite of what John Stuart Mill famously wrote about.
Climate activists are behaving like tyrants. If my four-year-old acted this way, I'd be worried.
Libraries define intellectual freedom as the public's right to examine all points-of-view. These climate scientists are trying to stifle alternative perspectives. Part 2 of 3.
People who employ the word 'denier' in a climate context are silencing normal, healthy debate.
If journalists can't stray from the 'we're all gonna die!' climate narrative without being pilloried, we really are doomed.
The noble, beating heart of science is no more. Peer pressure, conformity, orthodoxy - these remain.
An IPCC document produced for its meeting in Yokohama uses emphatically activist language. What happened to the scientific body delivering a scientific report based on scientific research?
20 years ago, scientific superstar Carl Sagan urged us to use our brains - to be actively skeptical.