
‘I have much to live for and much work to do in service to others’

Please help our friend Nick in his fight to cure his cancer without mainstream medical intervention. This is an incredibly brave path to take and we hope you will stand with him as he raises funds for his treatment. Nick is a truly inspirational person who is already thinking about how he can help others once he has cured himself. […]
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Anarchism Without the Name: Lessons from the Town of Cherán

IN A SMALL MEXICAN TOWN, LOCAL INDIGENOUS RESIDENTS HAVE CREATED A NEW, DEMOCRATIC, AND LARGELY PEACEFUL COMMUNITY. THE QUESTION, WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS? Murray Bookchin, in his seminal work in the field of social ecology, The Ecology of Freedom, criticised the tendency of history to focus upon the ‘achievement of power’, the empires with their ‘temples, mortuaries and palaces’ […]

For Jim

My dad Jim died today. He had advanced emphysema but was still driving two days ago. I found him on the floor of his bedroom so I ran and called 999 and was put on hold!!! No ambulances were available the automatic message said!! I was frantic and rang my mum and sister who live quite near. Then someone materialised […]
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Corona: It’s Love the Elites Are Really Afraid Of

‘The world stands at a parting of the ways’ begins one of my favourite quotes. And we are at such a crossroads now. In the coming weeks and months of this corona crisis the world will be divided into those who are not prepared to discard the community spirit we have (re)discovered and will use it to build a society […]
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Bring Him Home

Alison Banville (BSNews co-editor) My thoughts and love are with officer Haian Dalloul, and his beloved mother, my dear friend, Rajaa Kahwaje, and Haiian’s brave brother and dear friend, Lieutenant Ali Dalloul at this time. Please pray for them and let us do all we can to bring Haian home: Yadhira Lopez writes: Dear Friends, Some of you are my friends on Facebook, […]
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Coronavirus: A Call To Awaken

BSNews co-editor Alison Banville shares her concise thoughts on how this seemingly terrifying threat is actually a potent historical moment offering us a dynamic opportunity to move to a space of personal empowerment and enlightenment capable of resisting both the virus and the malefic forces keeping us cowed and terrified: I once emailed with a ‘maverick’ AIDS researcher who was […]
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We Kept Our Faith: A Message From Syria

Ibrahim Mohammad, a resident of Aleppo and formerly of the Syrian Arab Army, sends a strong and moving message on the realities of the regime change war on his country. Read carefully for those who have doubts. Some of you might find my way aggressive sometimes.. Well, consider this, I lived this bloody crisis through every detail of it, I fought […]
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President Assad Speech: Our army – an army from the people and for the people

President al-Assad made a televised speech on the occasion of the latest liberation wars:  President al-Assad: Our army will never hesitate to carry out its national duties, and it will be as it always has been: an army from the people and for the people Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Monday delivered a televised speech on occasion of […]

Iraq Tells US ‘Get Out of Our Country!’ in Massive March in Baghdad

Friday 24th January 2020: a huge march in Baghdad took place that sent an uncompromising message to Washington – get the hell out of Iraq! Unsurprisingly, western corporate news outlets either completely ignored or played down the event – the latter amounting to stark misrepresentation and therefore, lying – so we would urge all of our readers to share this […]

The Driver

He knows many celebritiesBut he's not fazed at allHollywood gods and rock starsAre idols that can fall He's not intimidatedIn fame's hallowed hallAnd in my humble opinionHe outshines them allHis clients sit in shadowBut always they are seenBy his eyes in the mirrorOf a top class limousine His brown eyes see everythingThese stars have ever beenFrom labourer or waitressTo an idol of […]
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