
Robert Reich Explains What The Center Is-- And What It Isn't

Bernie's ideas seem very popular. Have you noticed? And that means Third Way, a major player among those who are part of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, is on the attack. Matt Bennett, Third Way’s senior vice president, when talking about senators running for president noted that "We’re open to everybody except for him." That was a year ago. The Republican wing of the party is putting all they've got into poisoning the well for Bernie.

2018 In Review - And Now A Word From The Asylum Escapees At Trump TV. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 7

by NoahAt DWT, we watch FOX "News" so you don't have to, although, if you want to see inside the crazy house... just steel yourself and promise yourself you won't scream or tear out your hair. The above clip is a good example of how far gone the wackos and buffoons holding court are at what Josef Goebbels would regard with orgasmic delight.There have been changes at FOX "News" in recent times but you'd never know it. Creator Roger Ailes is gone. He died in 2017 after leaving in a shitstorm of sexual harassment claims and comparisons to Jabba the Hutt.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhite Nationalist broadcaster Laura Ingraham is quite a gal in Republican World. Just last Wednesday, as if to express solidarity with Sunday's "Unite The Right" white supremacy march in Washington, or even to outright promote it, she once again went full bigot on the airwaves of the FOX "News" channel. We shouldn't be surprised, of course. That's why she's there.