info wars

Exposing INFO WARS & ALEX JONES, Part II: The ‘Mind War’, Q-ANON, Cult Tactics & ‘Mind Architecture’…

In the previous article, I laid out why I think we should be sceptical of Alex Jones and Info Wars, based on various factors. In this follow-up article, I really want to square in on why we should be worried about ‘Info Wars’, its role in things and its possible purpose. I said that my […]

Exposing INFO WARS & ALEX JONES, Part I: Why Did the Big Tech Platforms REALLY Take Down Info Wars…?

First up, I should fully disclose my viewpoint: Alex Jones and Info Wars are psy-ops – psychological warfare/control operations, conducted primarily on Americans – but also substantially across the Western world. I’ve said this for ages. Which is why I had a mixed reaction to the Info Wars ‘banning’ story that was played out last […]

Islamist Extremism & White Supremacists: Understanding the ‘Coming Civil Wars’ or Predicted Societal Breakdown…

In regard to the Finsbury Park attack on Monday, a lot of talk has resurfaced regarding recurring fears of ‘civil war’ type scenarios in the not-distant future or a ‘race war’ type of situation: one that might not just threaten England, but occur elsewhere too, like in France or the United States. I want to […]

Paul Joseph Watson makes an offer journalists can’t refuse

As they typically do, mainstream media journalists have lambasted Donald Trump for his remark about dangerous events ‘last night in Sweden’. Anyone who understands Donald Trump’s well known, casual and direct manner of speech ought to realise that the ‘last night’ issue was far less important than the broader and more obvious point that President Trump was trying to make.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 65 Roger Stone: The Master Manipulator

Today I discuss the infamous GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone. I talk about his history supporting anti-establishment and third party candidates in his quest to destroy them and prop up the ruling war-party and Republican establishment. I begin by explaining his role in funding, staffing, and orchestrating Al Sharpton’s 2004 presidential run. I break down how and why Stone got involved with Sharpton. I lay out that Stone’s goal in helping the paid FBI informant was more about destroying the run of ostensible anti-war candidate Howard Dean.

DALLAS SHOOTINGS: American ‘Race War’ Psy-Op & the Toxic ‘Info Wars’…

Apparently, there’s a ‘Civil War‘ going on in America. Apparently the definition of ‘Civil War’ is becoming a very loose, meaningless thing to all the propagandists in both mainstream and (some) alternative media – all of whom should probably have a chat with someone in Syria or Libya to ask them what a ‘Civil War’ […]