
U.S. Inflation That’s Due to Its War Against Russia

Eric Zuesse (blogs at The U.S. Government is spending hundreds of billions of dollars each year in order to squeeze Russia hard enough to bring about the overthrow of Vladimir Putin and his replacement by a U.S. stooge. On August 17h, a front-page headline in the New York Times was “Niger Coup May Slow […]

N.Y. Post: Biden’s “Authentic Frontier Gibberish” in Arizona Victory Tour

New York Post, August 9, 2023 Joe’s Bidenomics victory tour is a bust on Day One By James Bovard Joe Biden’s re-election campaign kicks into high gear this week with the president and Cabinet secretaries blanketing the nation to boast about Bidenomics. But CNN reports more than half of Americans believe “the economy is still […]

Central Bankers Predicted Net Zero Would Lower Inflation – and Got it Spectacularly Wrong

Central bankers around the world claimed the Net Zero transition away from fossil fuels would lower inflation, but new analysis from top financial services firm Nomura has found it is in fact driving it.
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Inflation climatique : La hausse des prix alimentaires frappe de plein fouet les plus pauvres

L’inaction prolongée face au changement climatique a laissé les personnes au bas de l’échelle socio-économique exposées aux fluctuations d’un marché mondial imprévisible, écrit Thomas Perrett. Source : Byline Times, Thomas PerrettTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises L’inflation des denrées alimentaires en Grande-Bretagne a atteint son niveau le plus élevé en 45 ans, passant de […]