
Study Suggests We Patients be Able to Predict Illness Better than Doctors

My mother never goes to the doctor for a diagnosis; she diagnoses herself, tells the doctor what’s wrong with her, and he treats her for it.
…And she’s never wrong. I mean never.
A recent study backs up my mother’s theory (and she’s not alone in that theory) that since people know their own bodies better than anyone else ever could, sometimes you have to tell the doctor he’s wrong.

Bacteria from a Hair Tie Nearly Causes Woman Sepsis

Admit it ladies, you probably wear a hair tie on your wrist all the time. You might want to rethink that, though. It seems that keeping one on your arm in case it gets hot or you get tired of pushing your hair out of your face could give you a raging infection.
Audree Kopp made that mistake once; she’ll probably never make it again. About 2 weeks ago, the Louisville, Kentucky woman discovered a bump on her wrist. As people tend to do, she ignored it at first, thinking it was just a bug bite. She was busy with relocating her house and didn’t have time to worry about it.

10 Uses for Tea Tree Oil for Your Health and House

Americans are scooping up bottles of essential oils, lured by their amazing scents, household uses, and health benefits. They’re natural medicines that are highly concentrated, which means they last forever (depending on how often you use them, of course) because – as the saying goes – “a little dab’ll do ya.”
Preppers love essential oils because they know that if society were to crumble and picking up Tylenol at the drugstore wasn’t an option, essential oils would be there to often save the day.