
Dr. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell Discuss The Contagion Myth

From Thomas Cowan Sally Fallon Morell, MA is best known as the author of the best-selling cookbook, Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary […]

Countries Having the Highest Percentages of Population with Covid-19 Infection

Eric Zuesse
As of April 2nd, the top ten most-infected countries, by numbers of persons tested positive, and their respective population-sizes, and the resulting percentages of population who are known to be infected, are:
USA 217,661 / 327,527,107 = 0.0007
Italy 110,574 / 59,484,488 = 0.002
Spain 110,238 / 46,569,676 = 0.002
Germany 81,728 / 81,845,984 = 0.001
China 81,589 / 1,426,279,708 = 0.00006

200 Scientists Want Tougher Limits on Chemicals in Personal Care Products

In June of 2017, a group of 200 scientists and medical professionals called on the international community to ratchet up restrictions on the production and use of triclosan and triclocarban – 2 antimicrobial chemicals found in shampoos and cosmetics. They cite “extensive peer-reviewed research” which suggests the ingredients are potentially harmful. [1]

America’s Opioid Death Crisis May Be a Lot Worse Than We Thought

(ANTIMEDIA) America’s ongoing opioid crisis is no secret. With thousands dying from prescription painkiller overdoses each year — nearly as many as traffic deaths — even the U.S. government has been forced to take action. As awareness of the epidemic continues to grow, further hazards of the pharmaceutical class of drugs are being revealed — including potentially higher numbers of deaths caused by their use.

Could a Tropical Weather System Help Spread the Zika Virus?

A tropical wave in the Caribbean appeared to be morphing into a tropical storm this week, with the potential to slam into Florida. The chance of it turning into a storm or a hurricane has largely subsided, but the year’s hurricane season has only just begun, and many Floridians fear such tropical weather could help spread the Zika virus. [1]
When it comes to the impact of tropical weather on the spread of Zika, there are 2 main concerns: standing water, and high winds.

Could Being Hospitalized with Infections Lead to Higher Suicide Risk?

A new Danish study has found that people who have been hospitalized for a serious infection are at a higher risk for suicide. Researchers think that perhaps it has to do with the inflammation in the brain as a result of the infection, though there a few possibilities.
The study examined the Danish national registry, combing through records of 7.2 million people from 1980 to 2011. Using this information, it was found that those who had been hospitalized for infections had a 42% increased risk for death by suicide compared to those who were hospitalized for other reasons. [1]