Industrial Revolution

The Radicalism of Reading

It’s Peak Reading Season: too hot to go outside, too lethargic to do much inside, no holidays coming up for a while. Polls and anecdotes are probably telling you that reading is on the decline – people just don’t read like they used to! – but it turns out that reading is still popular. And that would've been terrible news a century ago, and in the century before that, and all the way back to the ancient Greeks.

Where We Get the Word Technology and Why It Matters

Everyone knows we’re surrounded by “tech.” It’s reshaping every aspect of society in every corner of the globe, making countless twenty-something millionaires in the process, and keeping kids from playing outside like they used to. Those things might be true. And yet, we’re not great at identifying what “tech” really is: ask someone to point it out, and they’ll look for the closest object with a glowing screen.