
Egg in mid-day meals- Resistance is against child rights

On November 23 2021, in the context of serious malnutrition, the Government of Karnataka announced that eggs would be provided three days a week as part of the mid-day meal scheme, to students in seven districts, namely, Bidar, Raichur, Kalaburagi, Yadgir, Koppal, Ballari and Vijayapura. This move was welcomed by activists and nutritionists who also insisted that eggs be extended[Read More...]

Freedom of Religion Bill is an Instrument of Hindu Rashtra

The anti-conversion law in India is a double-edged sword: a step towards Hindu Rashtra perpetuating caste supremacy The Freedom of Religion Act known as anti-conversion law in India is a double edged sword. Its twin objectives are establishment of Hindu Rashtra and it perpetuates caste supremacy. The minorities, dalits and adivasis constitute nearly 40% of India’s population; of which Dalit[Read More...]

The Pegasus Trail

The Supreme Court in its historic judgment on the Pegasus scandal memorably castigated the government and formed a committee under its own watch to enquire into the alleged grave state violation of the precious right to privacy of citizens.The honourable court had also apparently prohibited any other agency from enquiring into it.Recently the commission led by Ret.Justice of SC Madan[Read More...]

Preserve the independence of the Election Commission of India

 To Shri Ram Nath Kovind President of India Respected Rashtrapatiji, I refer to the reported meeting taken by an official of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) on December 16, 2021 with the Election Commission of India (ECI), ostensibly to discuss certain matters relating to electoral reforms, already cleared by the Union Cabinet by then. For the executive, particularly the PMO, to[Read More...]

Imposing Vegetarianism as a Political Agenda

Recently (December 2021) town planning committee of Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation specifically mentioned that stalls selling non-vegetarian items will not be allowed along public roads and in the 100-meter radius of schools, colleges and religious places. On these lines decisions were also taken by Vadodara, Bhavnagar, Junagadh and Rajkot Municipal bodies. As the hawkers selling these non vegetarian items approached the[Read More...]

Video: An interview with Medha Patkar

Popular resistance to development policies that make life on earth impossible and deny social justice continues in various parts of India. Medha Patkar, who has been a strong presence in this struggle for decades, is the inspiration of the people’s movement. Medha recently came to Kerala to take part in the struggle against the destructive Silver Line Project ( Semi-high[Read More...]

Dear PM Modi, Aurangzeb Rule Was Also The Rule Of Hindu High Castes!

Narendra Modi, a senior swayamsevak (member) of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, long back in 2013 when he occupied the office of chief minister of Gujarat, declared himself to be a ‘Hindu nationalist’.[i] As the PM of the largest democratic-secular polity in the world; India, he misses no opportunity to stress the favourite Hindutva binary of putting Hindus and Muslims as[Read More...]

Indian media is a slave to the ruling class

The job of the electronic media should be to make people aware, but due to TRP, news channels nowadays prefer to present any news in a sensational way and this is a worrying situation. Looking at the news circulating in Indian newspapers and electronic channels, it is not difficult to understand that now the main concern for the information media[Read More...]

Roseville City Council Rebuked for Honoring RSS’s International Wing

On 15 December 2021, I continued my “HSS is RSS” tour by speaking in respectful rebuke at the Roseville, CA City Council meeting for their recent platforming and honoring of a local branch of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), the international wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). This speech marked my fourth city council appearance in three states in two[Read More...]