
Reduction in interest accruals to EPFO’s beneficiaries – Mismanagement of EPFO investments

  To Smt Nirmala Sitharaman Union Finance Minister Dear Smt Sitharaman, I understand that the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has further reduced the interest rate on beneficiaries’ deposits from 8.5% during 2020-21 to 8.1% during 2021-22, adversely affecting more than 7 crores of EPFO subscribers (…).

Iran and SCO sign protocol to start accession process for Tehran

Press TV – March 12, 2022 Iran and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) have started a formal process for Tehran’s accession to the major economic bloc. A Saturday report by Iran’s IRIB News said that a document had been signed a day earlier in the Uzbek capital of Tashkent between representatives of the eight-member SCO […]

Pong Dam Evictees Have Not Received Justice Even After 50 Years

It was over 50 years back that over 20,000 families living in villages of Kangra region were asked to leave their beautiful settlements to make way for Pong Dam constructed on Beas river in Himachal Pradesh. The land here was so fertile that it produced bountiful diverse crops without using any chemical fertilizers and pesticides. So people were very, very[Read More...]

Withdraw the proposed Coal Mining Project by Adani at Gondalpura, Jharkhand

NAPM extends solidarity to villagers of Gondalpura Struggling to Protect their Farms, Forests and Biodiversity 12th March, 2022: National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) extends solidarity to the villagers protesting since many months against Adani’s proposed mine at the Gondalpura coal block in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. It is distressing that both the Centre and the State have paid no heed to[Read More...]

What Kind of Swachh Bharat and Modernisation Are We  Creating?

   What kind of Swachh Bharat and  modern urbanisation we are creating ? Let us start with Bandra suburban station in Mumbai, one of the  oldest and prized heritage  stone  buildings, with   its red tile roof. A perfectly  functioning toilet for men and women   here  was demolished recently  and  now there is  no toilet, urinal of any kind  on any[Read More...]

Hindu Revivalists of Bengal

Bengal was the province where English rulers had initial impact. The Bengalis were influenced by the British rule more than any other area of the country. The East India Company established its capital at Calcutta in 1773. The upper caste, the Bhadra Bengali people were attracted towards English culture and they were thinking that English education, English culture were superior.[Read More...]

Assembly Election Results- Democratically Speaking! 

Assembly elections in five states are over and results declared. However, several questions have surfaced which perhaps need to be considered seriously. This isn’t simply related to speculations voiced about faulty nature of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). Several strong messages conveyed by these results need to be perhaps paid serious attention. Though Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has returned to power[Read More...]

Anti-Conversion Laws are Anti-Adivasi

Karnataka Government has passed the Anti-Conversion Bill in the Assembly despite stiff opposition from civil society and political parties. The Bill is expected to be tabled in the upper house to be made into a law. The Anti-Conversion Laws affect Christians, Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis and Women. It restricts the rights of an Indian citizen to choose one’s religion. It violates[Read More...]