India Bullet Train

How India Can  Save Two Million Crore Rs. and Four Million Trees in Difficult Times

It is widely agreed that  any family should face the challenge of difficult times by  first of all curbing all wasteful expenditure. This also applies to nations, or at least all nations who choose to act wisely. India is currently passing through very difficult economic times. Hence, acting wisely, it is important to explore all possibilities of curbing all wasteful[Read More...]

Overemphasis on High Speed May Be More of A Bane Than A Blessing

India is the middle of implementing its Ahmedabad-Mumbai Bullet Train Project which is the first bullet train project for India. It has been delayed due to land-acquisition problems and may miss the projected deadline for completion in 2023. Many farmers and others are not keen to part  with their land for a project which does not appear to be in[Read More...]

The Hindutva Gimmick: Bullet Train As MOKSHA

  A foreign country, Japan, is helping India’s HAVES by providing loans worth almost ONE LAKH CRORE OF RUPEES to build and run BULLET TRAIN by charging interest rate of 0.1 annually and that too be paid in next FIFTY YEARS. Would RSS/BJP government of PM Modi help the distressed farmers of this very country, vast majority of them being[Read More...]