The Independent

British newspaper The Independent exposed publishing more fake news

British newspaper The Independent has been exposed peddling inflammatory fake news directed at one of its favourite targets, Wikileaks.
It seems when the Independent isn’t telling lies about Russia, Iran and Syria it is doing so about Julian Assange’s organisation.
READ MORE: Fake news story in mainstream AND alt-media slanders Russia and Iran

Trident whistleblower calls out MoD’s ‘lame attempt’ to excuse nuke malfunctions

Trident whistleblower William McNeilly. / RT RT | February 6, 2017 Royal Navy whistleblower William McNeilly has returned fire after the Ministry of Defence (MoD) again tried to discredit him. He labeled it an attempt to cover up the dangers of Britain’s nuclear arsenal. McNeilly was thrown out of the navy in 2015 after publishing […]

Last chance! [And this time they really, really, mean it]

ClimateChangePredictions | October 30, 2015 The United Nations Climate Change Conference is having its 21st meeting in Paris towards the end of 2015. (Hence COP21 or conference of parties) We’ve been told this is the ‘last effective opportunity’ to keep global warming to ‘a limit safe for humanity.’ However we are reassured by the fact […]

Fake report on ‘Russian soldier deaths’ in Ukraine sets media on fire

RT | August 27, 2015 A Forbes report on alleged Russian army casualties in Ukraine citing a dodgy Russian website has sparked a media and Twitter storm. Some said Russia had “finally slipped” with the leak on its troops in Ukraine; others were baffled by the “fake publication.” A Forbes contributor, Paul Roderick Gregory, published […]

This GMO Debate Shows How GMOs are Failing

It has been more than 30 years since GM crops were planted. Is the world really better off?
The Independent has been looking at the future of genetically modified foods as of late. In a series of articles written on the subject, they decided to include among them an email debate between a pro-GMO-er and an anti-GMO advocate. They were hoping that the exchange would help readers have a more open discussion to allow them to make up their own minds on the subject.