
Imperialist Democracy: Apical Nazism

News of January 26, 2023, from InfoDefenseEspañol channel: Bundestag deputy Petr Bistron to Olaf Scholz about the transfer of tanks to Ukraine: You have just said goodbye to the fundamental provisions of Germany’s post-war foreign policy, Germany’s special responsibility towards the world. The slogan ‘Never again’ meant the refusal to supply weapons to conflict zones. […]
The post Imperialist Democracy: Apical Nazism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

NATO Panics, Escalates Big Arms to Ukraine; U.S. ‘Will Increase Artillery Production Sixfold’; Brian Berletic: Only MICs gain from all this.

Eric Zuesse On January 20th, the great American military and geostrategic analyst Brian Berletic, who has had a stunningly high percentage of his predictions turning out to have been 100% accurate, did a youtube at his “The New Atlas” Website, headlining “US, Allies Send More Weapons to Ukraine in Absence of Real Solution”, and it […]

More than a “Syndrome”: Trauma, Distress, and Pain

I can’t even produce a metaphor for the drug world anymore. I don’t even like the phrase the drug world since the phrase implies a different world.” ― Charles Bowden, Down by the River: Drugs, Money, Murder, and Family You don’t need a thousand hours studying what trauma is, what forms it might take, delving into […]
The post More than a “Syndrome”: Trauma, Distress, and Pain first appeared on Dissident Voice.

What’s Wrong with the Argument that Russia Isn’t Imperialist? A Critique of Desai et al’s “The Conflict in Ukraine and Contemporary Imperialism”

January 19, 2023 By Stephen Gowans ….peace must be sought for and fought for, not in … a reactionary utopia of a non-imperialist capitalism, not in a league of equal nations under capitalism, but in the future, in the socialist revolution of the proletariat. — Lenin, The Peace Program, 1916 Abstract Two years after Russia … Continue reading What’s Wrong with the Argument that Russia Isn’t Imperialist?

How America’s ‘Defense’ (aggression) Contractors Control America’s Government

Eric Zuesse Probably no corporation possesses a bigger share of control over America’s Government than does the one that sells more to the U.S. Government than does any other: Lockheed Martin. Actually, its top owners, or the group of stockholders who dominate the firm and cooperatively together control its policies and determine whom the corporation’s […]

Further Evidence that the U.S.-UK Deep State Is One Country, Not Two

Eric Zuesse Because there is so much evidence that the U.S. and UK have one actual Government, a single Deep State, that makes the major international-policy (war-and-peace) decisions, and that neither country’s public has authentic sovereignty over its allegedly ‘democratic’ Government, but, instead, all ‘citizens’ of both are actually subjects of this single behind-the-scenes secret […]

Russian news-media are more honest than U.S.-and-allied ones are.

Eric Zuesse How many times have the publics in U.S.-and-allied countries been lied-to about invasions their Governments had made on the basis of falsehoods that their ‘news’-media knew at the time were false but nonetheless reported to them as being true? How many times have those ‘news’-media reported as being ‘a democratic revolution’ the overthrow […]

How the World’s Nazi Movement Relocated From Berlin to Washington

Eric Zuesse Nazism is a form of imperialism. In my decades-long study of billionaires and of imperialism, I’ve never yet come across a billionaire anywhere who has been anti-imperialist. Some are conservative, and some are liberal, but all of them have been pro-imperialist. Britain’s Guardian newspaper, which used to be progressive (something that no billionaire […]

Ukraine’s & Russia’s Defense Ministers Agree (But NATO Disagrees): War in Ukraine is Between NATO & Russia, NOT Ukraine & Russia.

Eric Zuesse On January 10th, Russia’s Defense Minister, Nikolai Patrushev said: “The events in Ukraine are not a clash between Moscow and Kyiv – this is a military confrontation between Russia and NATO, and above all the United States and Britain.” Earlier, on January 8th, Ukraine’s Defense Minister, Oleksii Resnikov had said: “The main threat […]