
As the US plans its Afghan troop withdrawal, what was it all for?

A woman embracing her husband after his return from a deployment to Afghanistan in 2014. David Goldman/AP.More than 2,400 American service members were killed in Afghanistan and more than 20,000 were wounded. What exactly am I supposed to tell these mothers that their sons died for? What was it all for? It remains unclear if the more than 2,400 US[Read More...]

US: Indian Ocean is not India’s ocean

Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones prepares to pull alongside aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (File photo)  The “defining partnership of the 21st century” with India will not inhibit Washington from pursuit of American interests. The bottom line is that in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), India should not punch above its weight… reflect sadly where all the heady[Read More...]

Kapos of the American Empire

Wikipedia defines Kapos , which originated from the German concentration camps, as the following:  Kapos were inmates of Nazi camps who were appointed as guards to oversee other prisoners in various tasks. There were three main types of Kapos : work supervisors, block elders, and camp administrators. Well, this American empire has its own Kapos. Since we are a Military[Read More...]

 Neo-Imperialism and Indigenous People

                “Suppose there are ten people in this room. Seven are starving, and one is winning medals, and two are doing OK. And I say, ‘Look at these seven people who are starving,’ and you say, ‘Oh, don’t be so negative, no, things are not so bad – look at the other three.’ Really?” Arundhati Roy. Globalization of the economic[Read More...]

The Secret Wars of Africa’s Sahel: What Is Behind Mali’s Ongoing Strife

In a recent report, the United Nations Mission in Mali, known as MINUSMA, concluded that, on January 3, French warplanes had struck a crowd attending a wedding in the remote village of Bounti, killing 22 of the guests. According to the findings, based on a thorough investigation and interviews with hundreds of eyewitnesses, 19 of the guests were unarmed civilians[Read More...]

Neo-colonialism, White Supremacy and the Challenge of China

The European race has received from heaven, or acquired by its own efforts, such an unquestionable superiority over all the other races composing the great human family, that the man placed in our country, by his vices and ignorance, on the last step of the social ladder, is still first among the savages. Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) Earlier this year,[Read More...]

“The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World”

Fifty-four years ago, standing at the pulpit of Riverside Church in New York City, Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered his now-famous “Beyond Vietnam” sermon. For the first time in public, he expressed in vehement terms his opposition to the American war in Vietnam. He saw clearly that a foreign policy defined by aggression hurt the poor and dispossessed across the[Read More...]

 A Brief history of Neo-imperialism-History and Methods

Till the 1960’s, Neoliberalism had the same status in economics as Wahhabism (a supremacist, fundamentalist and intolerant version of Islam) had in Islam. (1). How it became the guiding principle of Western countries is an interesting question. Neoliberalism claims that human beings are best served by liberating the entrepreneurial class through strong private  property rights, free market and free trade. State’s only role was to[Read More...]

How Crucial USA Interests Were Harmed by the Foreign Policy of Kissinger

Whenever it is recognized that foreign policy distortions of one or more superpowers have led to serious human rights violations and humanitarian crisis in developing countries, the focus has been on studying  how the people in developing countries suffered. This is as it should be , as this is clearly the most important issue. However from the point of view[Read More...]