
May Day 2022: Oppose Imperialist Militarism

Today is May 1, 2022 — May Day. It’s workers’ day, working people’s day, working people’s international solidarity day. All divisive, sectarian, supremacist ideology and politics is opposed by the working people all around the world. On this day, this position is reiterated by the working people. Today, this task – oppose divisive, sectarian, supremacist […]
The post May Day 2022: Oppose Imperialist Militarism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

It’s About Time

Edward Curtin Audio Version New Feature! Isn’t it always? With the start of World War III by the United States “declaring” war against Russia by its actions in Ukraine, we have entered a time when the end of time has become very possible.  I am speaking of nuclear annihilation. I look down at my great-uncle’s …

Imperialism and the Solomon Islands

By Stephen Gowans April 21, 2022 In Lenin’s view, imperialism is immanent in capitalism as a global system. Inasmuch as China is one of the most significant players in this system, if not the most significant, the implication of Lenin’s view is that imperialism is also immanent in China. A number of people who claim … Continue reading Imperialism and the Solomon Islands →

Cheering the Rise of Yet Another Capitalist Empire Hurts You and Me

April 14, 2022 By Stephen Gowans Marxist economist Richard Wolff makes two good points in an April 14 article, The Role of Capitalism in the War in Ukraine. The first is that the “entire world is caught up in the decline of one capitalist empire and the rise of yet another.” The declining capitalist empire … Continue reading Cheering the Rise of Yet Another Capitalist Empire Hurts You and Me →

The Mental Illness of Anachronistic Radical Socialism

April 13, 2022 By Stephen Gowans Some radical socialists practice a politics that carries over from the days when to be a revolutionary meant supporting the Soviet Union or China. With the Soviet Union gone, and socialist China a distant dream (and perhaps one never to be achieved under the direction of the current communist … Continue reading The Mental Illness of Anachronistic Radical Socialism →

Economic Tectonic Shifts: Letters from Russia

Note to our readers: These are letters from a comrade of ours who currently lives in Russia. English is not the first language of HCE so please be understanding. In order to preserve the integrity of these letters, we kept the original phrasing as best we could. March 11th Hello Barbara, Thank you for your […]
The post Economic Tectonic Shifts: Letters from Russia first appeared on Dissident Voice.

US to Use Ukraine as Stepping Stone toward Taiwan Provocation

The US is planning to provoke conflict with China through Taiwan just as it has done to Russia through Ukraine. A similar process of replacing both governments in 2014 and then preparing both territories for war has been underway since. US policy papers have called for the encirclement and containment of both Russia and China […]

We need Douglas Macgregor for U.S. President.

Here is why:… Democrats, Republicans, and independents, all need this person in the U.S. White House. We are the American people; and he represents, more articulately than anybody else does, on the most urgent and important issue confronting the world, what all Americans — and all of the people in the world — need. […]