
America and its allies are CLEARLY declining powers.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at Here are the statistics that document this truth from an economic standpont, and which document that already America is a smaller economic power than is China — and is becoming relatively smaller and smaller each year in relation to China: —— GDP PPP = Gross Domestic Product at Purchasing Power […]

The Lies Behind Democracy’s Demise

Eric Zuesse (blogs at On November 1st, Christopher Black, who is one of the world’s leading international lawyers, headlined “The Collapse of International Law” and made his case that (and how) it was destroyed by the increasing hypocrisy that exists throughout The West and that is actually being applied by The West (though pervasively […]

The Explosive Growth of U.S. Militarism After the Soviet Union Ended

Eric Zuesse (blogs at Instead of there being the U.S.-Government-promised ‘peace dividend’ after the Soviet Union ended in 1991, there has been soaring militarism by the U.S., and also soaring profits for the American producers of war-weapons. Both the profits on this, and the escalation in America’s aggressiveness following after 1991, have been stunning. […]

War on Gaza, 2023

“Hamas terrorists”, “hostages”, “anti-Semitism”, Israeli “right of self-defense”, standing with Israel, upholding the “laws of war”, peace thru “negotiations”, “2-state solution”, end game?  What are the relevant facts?  How should recent events be evaluated? Double standard Western imperial states (US, Britain, France, Germany, et cetera) and their mainstream media report the conflict with a pro-Israel […]

The Palestinian People Are Already Free

Malak Mattar (Palestine), Last Painting Before the 2021 War, 2021. This week, from 14–18 October, the Dilemmas of Humanity conference brought together political leaders, activists, and organic intellectuals from around the world to discuss the central problems facing humanity today and strengthen proposals to address them. Gathered in Johannesburg (South Africa), participants watched in horror […]

The US Left Must Unwaveringly Stand for Palestinian Freedom

The US “socialist” left currently playing the bothsides-ism game with Israeli genocide of Palestinians in the name of some bullshit notion of ‘nuance,’ must remember the words of Howard Zinn: “You can’t be neutral on a moving train.” Nothing is accomplished with an abstract support of Palestine when it’s convenient. It is when the empire’s […]

The Fraudulence of American ‘Defense’

Eric Zuesse (blogs at Joe Biden organized Senate Democrats to vote to support George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003, which did nothing for the defense of America, because Iraq never threatened America. The excuses that George W. Bush had given for America’s ‘need’ to attack Iraq were lies, which, even […]

Why Voting for Biden or Trump Will Destroy America

Eric Zuesse (blogs at The $31.4 trillion U.S. Government debt ceiling was surpassed ten months ago in January. U.S. national debt surged by more than $500 billion in just the past 20 days to reach $33.5 trillion now, according to data provided by the Treasury Department last week. On September 18th, the Treasury reported […]