impeaching Trump

Republican #NeverTrumpers Make Another Move Against Señor T-- Watch The Videos

You won't see the ad up top or the ad below unless you watch the Trumpist Regime propaganda shows,Fox And Friends or Lou Dobbs Tonight, a show with virtually no viewers. The ads, by #NeverTrumpers, Republicans for the Rule of Law, will be broadcast every day next week, while the Trumpanzee Senate impeachment trial is playing out.

There Are Billions Of Dollars To Be Sucked Out Of Fragile Counties Like Ukraine-- Giuliani Wanted Some Of That... How About Trump?

Last week I was asking members of Congress who they thought the impeachment managers would be. No one wanted to say, especially not the potential members of the team. But one senior Democrat who may or may not have been drinking, blurted out, "Oh you know Nancy... two men, two women, two whites, two blacks, a Hispanic, a gay, a straight, girls... boys.

Convicting The Bastard-- The Witnesses

Will John Bolton Testify? by Nancy OhanianNancy Ohanian sent me the drawing above unbidden. She sensed something important was happening. A few weeks ago, The Mooch predicated that if the Senate started calling witnesses who were close to Trump and could speak, under oath, to how he operates and what his motivations are, we would be forced to resign.

Is Moscow Mitch Working To Subvert The Constitution Again?

David Brooks, one of the New York Times' in-house conservatives, yesterday: "Donald Trump is impulse-driven, ignorant, narcissistic and intellectually dishonest." Yes, he's right and most Americans know it and agree with it, but none of that is really anything that's impeachable. Ted Lieu's one minute speech on the House floor Thursday (above) should be part-- a big part-- of the Trump impeachment trial... but it won't be. If there even is a trial.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPast presidents have used the diversionary tactic of dropping some bombs for ulterior motives before, but none were as mentally sick as Donald J. Trump. He has made himself a synonym for severe mental illness, and yet, he is worshiped by his party and allowed to go on. Moscow Mitch, his $enate minions, and those Trump rally crowds are living proof of that.Back in February 2004, George W.

Wouldn't It Be Hilarious If The Senate Actually Found Him Guilty After All?

You can't 'unknow' something like this, right?Monday, on Maine public Radio’s Morning Edition, Susan Collins used her experience from the Clinton impeachment trial to urge Moscow Mitch and Little Chucky Schmucky to play nice. “I think that the model and the precedent established by the trial for President Clinton is one that our leaders should take a hard look at.