immigrant children

Thousands of Children Still Live at Texas Shelters Even After End of “Zero Tolerance”

(TT) — Even as federal officials were supposed to reunite separated immigrant children with their parents, the number of children in Texas’ privately run shelters fell by only 88 between July 13 and August 7. The Trump administration said it would reunify families separated under the now-paused “zero tolerance” policy, but new data shows the number of […]

Judge Orders Trump Administration to Stop Drugging Immigrant Children

Immigrant children are suffering abusive treatment and cruel and inhumane conditions in government detention centers. (CD) U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee of Los Angeles ruled on Monday that a Texas detention center for unaccompanied immigrant children and those forcibly separated from their families by the Trump administration must stop administering psychotropic drugs without parental consent. “A federal court has now […]