Immanuel Kant

Invoking the Beyond: The UFO Deception – Collins Bros. / Jay Dyer

 The Collins Bros join me to discuss their 7 years of research placed into the new text – Invoking the Beyond. Their research connects Darwin, the new age, panspermia, the esoteric, intelligence agencies, deception and the new man. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and […]

Top 10 BAD Arguments Against the Transcendental Argument for God

We often hear the same objections to TAG based on similar mistakes.  A year ago I did a specific stream presenting TAG and why it holds up against TANG found here. I covered the supposed transcendental argument for the non-existence of God, but we saw this was based on a fallacious understanding of theological voluntarism.  Today we will cover more common and simpler objections to TAG which are usually based on misunderstandings, fallacies and basic blunders.


Of Friendship and Politics

Although it is somewhat banal to say, it should never be forgotten how the First World War traumatized the political and cultural life of Europe, especially in the German speaking world. Heidegger’s, Jasper’s, Freud’s, Junger’s, Hesse’s (not to mention Hitler’s) inter-war works are unthinkable without this bloody caesura in European history. In a profound sense, the inter-war period in Germany (but not only) could be viewed as a psychic expression of what we would call today: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Aquinas, Kant & Hegel: Critiquing the Continental Tradition – Jay Dyer (Half)

In this talk we move to Continental Philosophy and examine its origins and presuppositions, as well as the contrast to analytical philosophy. From Aquinas to Kant, we see the breakdown of philosophy from nominalism to empiricism, leading to the dialectics in Hegel’s Absolute Idealism. In the second hour, we move to Kierkegaard, Husserl and Heidegger.

Students of prestigious London university seek to ban ‘white’ philosophers

Students have been trying to get out of doing their homework for ages. But suddenly ‘the dog ate my homework’ has metamorphosed into something far more convoluted and weird.
It appears that students at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies want to be exempt from reading the works of Plato, Aristotle, Voltaire and Kant because the men were white.

Steven Weinberg’s Attack on Philosophy

Weinberg’s polemics on positivism are to be found in a chapter of his Dreams of a Final Theory characteristically entitled “Against philosophy”. He polemicizes there against philosophy in general, making some negative judgments on eminent thinkers of the era of bourgeois progress and on Marxism. His observations are one-sided, to say the least, but deserve attention as being representative of weaknesses shared by many leading physicists, such as their inadequate acquaintance with philosophy, which prevent them from assimilating progressive thought and Marxism.