
Primary Season Is Far More Important Than The DCCC Wants You To Think It Is

Chuy Garcia and Carlos Rosa, 2 of Chicago's bestProgressivePunch rates Jan Schakowsky's voting record an "A." This year she scores 100. And career-long she gets a 96.43, the 13th best score in Congress. The only other Illinois member with an "A" is Danny Davis. Robin Kelly has a strong progressive voting record as well. And Luis Gutierrez's isn't bad.

Did Ex-Blue Dog Kirsten Gillibrand Just De-Rail Blue Dog Dan Lipinski's Worthless Political Career?

Incumbents always-- always-- circle the wagons around other incumbents of their own party who are challenged in primaries. Even when they know the incumbent being challenged is a corrupt bucket of slime bringing disrepute on the party and on Congress, incumbents will turn their backs on worthy challengers. Have any elected officials given Tim Canova a hand against Wasserman Schultz?

Alan Grayson Has A Request: Help Send David Gill To Congress

Alan Grayson isn't running for Congress again-- at least not so far. He's been doing other work, like working on very time-consuming legal cases against the Trump Regime. But another thing Alan is doing is helping raise campaign funds for other progressive who are running for Congress. And today he's asking his supporters to contribute to an especially great candidate in central Illinois, Dr.

Illinois Judge Rules State Requirements For Third Parties Unconstitutional

The Seventh Circuit handed a victory to the Libertarian Party on Friday, declaring an Illinois requirement that third parties run a full slate of candidates to get on the ballot unconstitutional.
“We have little difficulty concluding that the full-slate requirement severely burdens the First Amendment rights of minor parties, their members, and voters,” Judge Diane Sykes said, writing for the unanimous panel.