
Greenpeace Finds Illegal GMO Corn Crops in China

Greenpeace said in a report released last Wednesday that farmers in northeast China are illegally growing genetically modified corn. [1]
The environmental group led an 8-month investigation last year into what it describes as large-scale production of GMO corn in the northeastern province of Liaoning, a major breadbasket region. GMO strains of corn were found in 93% of field tests and in 20 of 21 samples from grain markets and supermarkets.

Major Drug Distributors Flooded West Virginia with Millions of Pain Pills

One of the nation’s largest pharmaceutical drug wholesalers is under fire from West Virginia’s attorney general, Patrick Morrisey.
On Friday, Morrisey announced a lawsuit against San Francisco-based McKesson Corporation alleging the company violated state consumer protection laws and the Uniform Controlled Substances Act by flooding West Virginia with tens of millions of prescription pills.

Brazil Slaps Nestle, Pepsi, and Others for Hiding GMO Ingredients

Six major food manufacturers – including Nestle, PepsiCo, and Mexican baking company Grupo Bimbo – have been slapped with fines by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, which alleges the companies failed to include labels indicating the use of genetically modified ingredients.
The fines range from $277,400 to just over $1 million, for an estimated total of $3 million.

Could Marijuana Replace These 5 Major Pharmaceutical Drugs?

It’s about time that the US government’s war on drugs is dwindling, with people across the country becoming educated enough about medical marijuana to enjoy its numerous benefits. The plant was always a nemesis to Big Pharma, because they knew just how powerful it can truly be. Now, a new study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review reveals that people are increasingly substituting prescription medications, alcohol, and illicit drugs with cannabis.